Peahen gasping for air


9 Years
Oct 27, 2010
Cement, OK
4 yr old peahen is opening her mouth as if she is gasping for air or attempting to make a sound. I don't see any other symptoms. She was wormed a couple months ago, don't had the date but before mating season began. Any thoughts or suggestion. The peacock seems healthy no other guineas or chickens I have appear ill.
On hand I have tylan 50, safeguard, and sulmet, possibly other but that is all I can think of at the moment. The farm store is only about a 20 min drive. Any recommendations? I plan on taking her off her roost tonight to check her over, but don't want to chase her around & stress her while attempting to catch her now.
Well I am not good at waiting! She was next to the water so I grabbed her while I had the chance. She was kinda gurgling as I held her. But nothing felt or seemed wrong other than the respiratory issue. Her eyes are fine & no runny nose. I put sulmet in her water & gave her tylan 50 in her neck & cooked her some eggs added a tiny bit of milk & vitamin powder. Will evaluate her again in the AM. I didn't move her from her mate. Figured he would to insane with her not in the pen with him. I was torn on putting her in isolation or not. Generally I don't hesitate, but I know he would scream at me all day if I took her away. He is also drinking the water with sulmet & eating the vitamin laced eggs. Hoping for the best!
I don't think it is gapeworm, I was not able to see anything in her throat & I wormed them & followed up 10 days later just a month or 2 ago.

Hoping the tylan helps. In the past if I used it on birds with respiratory issues & it has worked within a day or 2.
She is doing much better after 3 days of tylan injections. No more gasping, but she still is making a sound kinda like gurgling meets growling. I am not opposed to worming her again & will do that just to be safe. I am also going to continue to use tylan injections the rest of the wk.
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