Pecked in the eye by a chicken??

My little rooster "Lucky" Star was hanging out on my shoulder one day and decided to sample that tasty-looking white thing he saw. He nailed me right in the left eye with a good, solid peck. There was no visible injury, but my eye was messed up for over a week--I couldn't focus properly until it healed.
so sorry my other post was off topic it should be in a different thread.
when I was pecked in the eye I washed my eye and put ice on it. But mine was a light peck really close to the eye. My chicken didn't do it un purpose it just was curiose what eye was. My
are just wanting to figure the way of humans even tho they are what people call dumb animals. I actually think they are pretty smart when it comes to their owner. Like mine know to come when called and can jump when I put my arm above their head. i have a type of chickens called Easter eggers who lay blue / green eggs.
I just got pecked in the eye today... it hurts so bad. I was raking the coop and bending over to pick up the debris and as I bent down one of my RIR's jumped up and pecked me right in the white of my eye.... OMG... I was so surprised... now I have a bloody white of my eye that the doctor said will take about 2 weeks to heal... ugg...

My chicks are 8 weeks old and peck at every part of me. they like my jewelry best... My husband and I will sit on stools in the coop when we feed them crickets because it is hilarious to watch them chase them down... they are their favorite treat...

a couple of times they have all jumped up on us and occasionally tried to peck the side of our eye when sitting on our shoulders... so we started wearing glasses when we go in to sit... I never expected her to do the JUMP and PECK... lesson learned... I will wear glasses or eye protection... and I will hope they will stop pecking my freckles and eyes and earrings when they get older...
I LOVE these chicks
Welcome to the club. Of eye-pecking victims, but to BYC, too!

It was probably six years ago when I got pecked in the eye and around that time, also lost a gold stud to the three little peckers. I racked up quite a medical bill for the eye injury, and it was much more than just the sclera being red for a couple weeks. I had flashing white lights for a good month. It was sure no picnic.

I have only one of those chicks left now. She's six years old, and I love her dearly. But, she still tries to peck my eye occasionally.
My 11 yo son got pecked in the eye 3 days ago-didn't see it coming-he already had a detached retina 2 months ago with surgical repair- but the chicken caused 1 cm corneal scratch required antibiotics on day 1, by day 2 we discovered he had extended his detachment!! More surgery, he will have quite the story to tell!


Peep giving us the Stink eye after the incident

Tyler giving me the stink eye after his eye got dilated

He still loves his chickens tho!
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Some of these posts had me laughing SO hard!!

I have held my chicks so many times, when suddenly--- they are looking at you, and you are looking at them...and that realization that "Hey, they are pecking distance from my eye" occurs to you, and right about then, I look at that beak, and hurry up and move them away from pecking range of my eye--so no eye peck yet!

Funny part is I always imagine right about the time the "hey they are pecking distance" thought goes through my head, that you can almost see that "SHINY, SHINY, SHINY--peck peck peck" thought go through their little brains!

I need to just start wearing safety glasses as preparation for chick holding!
I've been pecked in both the eye and the mouth! When Hazel was a chick, she fluttered on to my head and leaned down and got me in the eyelid (I blinked) and all my chickens go for my retainer when I hold them.

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