pecked into the beak?


too many projects too little time!
11 Years
May 2, 2008
Pensacola, FL
I have one bird golden laced polish... she is the bottom of the pecking order.. anyway she was loose last night with the dog.. glad she is still alive.. although still not sure my dog got to that other chicken.. anyway.. I got her and put her back into the pen.. not 30 min later my daughter gets me and says "mocha's nose is bleeding" I looked and sure enough she has this bleeding mass on her nose.. about the size of the tip of a q-tip. I cleaned it up and put neosporin on it (without pain relief) and she is out of the pen again.. with the dog chained.. now I think that all the others were mad at her because she was "free ranging" and they were not.. but can another bird peck to create an open sore on the hard beak part?

Or could it have been the electric fence?
I don't know, but I imagine it is possible that the other birds did it. Is it near the nostril?
I don't think it could be the electric fence, but you could test the fence by seeing if a piece of leather or rubber gets burned by it.

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