Pecking advice


In the Brooder
Mar 1, 2018
Kauai, HI
I have 7 chicks which were all hatched the same day, but different breeds. I have 2 chicks whose backsides have been plucked raw. One was plucked and bleeding yesterday and this morning a second one was plucked, but not bleeding. I have not seen it happening, so I don't know which one is the offender.

I have a couple questions.
I read that I can use diluted clove oil to discourage the plucking. Any other suggestions?
What can I apply to the raw backsides to help the healing process? I sprayed a little colloidal silver on their behinds.
What are there ages and can you put up pics so someone can advise on treatment? You should separate injured birds from the flock until they are healed and find out what the reason is. We need to know what there diet is. pecking can be a nutrition deficiency or boredom. This is usually something that takes alot of info and observation from my experience.
I have 7 chicks which were all hatched the same day, but different breeds. I have 2 chicks whose backsides have been plucked raw. One was plucked and bleeding yesterday and this morning a second one was plucked, but not bleeding. I have not seen it happening, so I don't know which one is the offender.

I have a couple questions.
I read that I can use diluted clove oil to discourage the plucking. Any other suggestions?
What can I apply to the raw backsides to help the healing process? I sprayed a little colloidal silver on their behinds.

Do you have any photos of the chicks, their bums and your brooder set-up?

Having enough space in the brooder can sometimes help with picking problems as well as using a red heat lamp bulb, or even better a heating pad system.

For the bums that are raw and plucked, you can apply a little coconut oil or plain neosporin to help them heal. I don't know anything about clove oil, so hopefully someone else can comment on that. BluKote and Pick No More can be used to help hide redness, but addressing the picking would still be in order.

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