Pecking in same spot for since yesterday


6 Years
Mar 12, 2018
Merit, Texas
Yesterday about 5:30 pm we noticed a chic had piped. Today 9:00 am it’s still pecking in the same spot. We can see the shell piece going up and down. Is that normal? Obviously we don’t want to intervene but it’s been in the same spot for hours...I’m a first time incubating mom.


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Very new at this myself. Had an egg yesterday pip around noon. Still looked about the same with no movement noticeable around 9.... by 11 i could hear some peeps. Left overnight and woke up to a pretty newly hatched baby around 6am. I would still wait and watch for a while. Lots of what i read said they can take up to 24hrs to hatch, and intervening can be more dangerous than waiting. Again im new at this too so im just going from a lot of reading and youtube videos...
Its completely normal. You can see him moving just let him work at it. It is totally exhausting breaking out of an egg.

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