Pecking order 2 with beaks 6 new hens clipped


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 7, 2010
I have 2, 1 yo RIR hens that I've had for 3 months. I purchased 6 hens (unseen) last week and was sad to see that their beaks were clipped. I have them in separate henhouses & in separate runs sharing the same fence. They have been observing one another for two days. I tried to mix them today, but couldn't stand the pecking my senior RIR was doing. I see that I've probably introduced them too early as I've searched the board. How long should I wait? None of my hens have free ranged yet due to some construction on our property. Construction is complete.


Will my unclipped hens automatically be senior in the pecking order?

Would introducing a rooster make things better or worse? (I intend to get a rooster as soon as I find one)

Should I continue to keep the hens observing one another for a week in the runs or allow them to free range now (or in a few days) allowing them to mix in unfamilliar territory with plenty of space?

My new 6 hens have not all learned to go to roost at night. I had to find one on top of the house and put her to bed. Three were sleeping in the nesting boxes instead of using the roost. How do I correct this behavior?
Will it fix itself?
Should I block off the nesting boxes at night?
Will my senior hens teach my young hens where to sleep?
My senior hens will eventually join the young hens in the new henhouse, will this mix up the pecking order?

Thank you for any help!

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