We got chicks on Monday that were 5-6 days old. 2 EE, 1 Barred Rock, and 1 Black Australorp. They were all doing great. The Barred Rock is quite a bit smaller but she is doing great and doesn't let the others push her around. One of my EE is yellow, and the rest are dark. My other EE is brown and up until this morning, they were all getting along great. This morning I noticed the brown EE pecking at the yellow EE. The brown one isn't picking on the others, and the others aren't picking on the yellow one. The yellow one acts normal-ish. She's walking fine, not wobbly, turns her neck fine.. but she's not as active as the others. She hasn't been eating or drinking this morning other than just a few quick bites earlier. When she's out from under the heating pad, she almost stands with her neck drawn in like she's roosting. She flapped her wings and jumped on top of the heating pad as she's done before but she's just not acting 100%. I'm feeding chick starter and they have Nutri Drench in their water. Could this be due to the brown EE picking at her, or do you think she's picking at her because there's something wrong? I even thought that maybe it was because she was the odd man out, so to speak being yellow. This is the first go at having chicks/chickens and I have t leave for class in a couple of hours and I'm worried about her. They are currently in an 18 x 24 moving box with sand and plenty of food and water, and we're using the EcoGlow heating pad. We are getting 2 Buff Orpingtons this afternoon and my husband is going to build a larger brooding box this weekend. I don't have any way to separate them due to only having one way to heat the little fluff butts.