Pecking Order


In the Brooder
11 Years
Oct 15, 2008
I've become chicken mommy to a bantam orphan that was clucking around DOWNTOWN!!!
What can I do to keep my big girls from hurting her?
I would hope that the other girls would just except her. I have some bantam frizzles that I bought for my son. Any how they have never excepted this one hen. the roosters even pick on her. She will roost in the trees and not in the coop. Since it is getting colder we will have to cage her, but we have tried and we can't put anyone in with her. I don't know why they would treat her this way. Back to you, maybe your girls will just except her and you won't have to deal with what I am dealing with. DJ
They've been attacking her. I put her in the small run where the other hens could see her but not hurt her. They were trying to peck through the fencing. We've brought her in for tonight. She'll live in the garage I guess until the big girls accept that she's not going anywhere and welcome her into the flock.
I really hope they grow to except her. It is really sad to see { Fluffy} alone all the time. We bought her in too, then we tried to reintroduce her to the bantams. They just don't like her. I will keep my fingers crossed and wish you luck. Hens can be really mean sometimes. DJ
I didn't see the time length you have had her, but she needs to be in another pen where they can see her, but not to be in with them until after 1 month.
After quarentine let them in together at the end of the day, and they will boink her on the head, but she will learn how to get around them. Bet she becomes higher quite quickly, those Bantams are real bossy!
Wonderful. That is what I will do. I'll fence her off a section of the yard for herself and bring her in at night. Thank you!
I agree with Spook. And, like you, I have just taken in a one yr. old Japanese bantam and added her to my flock of five 3 month old standard breeds. Even though they are babies in comparison, they are much bigger than her and I was worried they would pick on her....far from it! Bonsai, the little bantam terrorized them to begin with and I felt guilty for upsetting the harmony of my flock, but after a week now it is getting better, I just have to put two feeders spaced apart so everyone can eat in relative peace.
Good Luck.
It's strange how some birds will accept new birds and other won't. I had one previously that was picked on terribly. I showed her favoritism. Now nobody bothers her. She is the oldest but smaller. I have some 6 week olds and my others are 1-2 yrs old. I am going to introduce them soon. I have them in a separate coop. I'm gong to put the coops together (side by side) each with their own run, but eventually both with access to a common yard. Eventually at about 4 months, the little girls will be introduced to the big girls coop as it has the nest boxes. Hope all goes well. It worked before with the others. The second coop with no nest boxes, when it isn't occupied it is a garden shed.
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It turns out the "SHE" isn't a she at all. We woke up to COCKADOODLEDOOOOOO!!! this morning.
I can't keep a rooster. I'm in town so I won't have to worry with the flock harmony after all!
That explains even more of why the older ones were picking on him! Atleast that is what I saw when I had Roger (Bantam that was killed by a hawk), even as a young guy he would literally drop kick the standards in the chest when they go to close to him!
The older girls wanted to straighten him out before he got to big for his britches! LOL. Either way, my girl still will not accept the smaller ones!!!

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