Pecking Order??


May 8, 2020
So I have heard that the chickens in a particular flock have a pecking order.
I have 5 chickens in my flock, and one of them (her name is Mulvah: after seinfeld) is always "showing up" the other birds, chasing off litter critters such as sparrows, is always the one to run over to us humans first, and holds her tail high up all the time! The other birds always seem to follow her around the yard.
Does this mean that she is at the top of the pecking order?
(our hens are only about 9 weeks old, so we might not know for sure, yet, anyway)
She's currently the most bold. The pecking order is fluid, and changes. Generally lower ranking birds move out of the way of higher ranking birds. Being the quickest doesn't always mean top bird. Yours are young yet. Generally the pecking order gets more firmly established around sexual maturity, and than can change based on many factors. Usually top birds stay close to the top, and bottom birds only move up when more chickens are added.
She's currently the most bold. The pecking order is fluid, and changes. Generally lower ranking birds move out of the way of higher ranking birds. Being the quickest doesn't always mean top bird. Yours are young yet. Generally the pecking order gets more firmly established around sexual maturity, and than can change based on many factors. Usually top birds stay close to the top, and bottom birds only move up when more chickens are added.
Interesting! Thank you!
I have 3 10 weeks old chicks. 1 Maran and 2 Golden Comets. Claire the Maran tries to be in charge an independent thinker and the others seem to follow her lead 80% of the time.

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