Pecking wound? Or fowl pox?


6 Years
Jun 24, 2013
I have a couple of pictures of a injury on my hen I think it is from the pecking order being established as she is new. One side eye is closed with what looks like a blood blister above it the other has a similar wound but the eye is open. I have been keeping it clean and applying triple antibiotic cream on it. Or does anyone think it could be fowl pox? Any suggestions or help would be appreciated.
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The neopsporin ointment is good. I usually use BluKote spray on peck wounds to hide them and as an antiseptic, but her wounds are too close to the eyes unless you would get the dab-on kind.
So you DON'T think it is fowl pox? Being that the wounds/sores are in basically the same spot on both sides of her head.
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It looks like pox to me. Open her mouth and check for yellow pus/plaque at the corners of her mouth. See that black stuff by her mouth and around her nostrils? Any of mine that have that also have the yellow pus/plaque.


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What do I do if she has it in her mouth? That would be wet pox correct?
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Fowl Pox
Synonyms : chicken pox (not to be confused with chicken pox in humans; the human disease does not affect poultry and vice versa), sore head, avian diphtheria, bird pox
Species affected : Most poultry -- chickens, turkeys, pheasants, quail, ducks, psittacine, and ratites -- of all ages are susceptible.
Clinical signs : There are two forms of fowl pox. The dry form is characterized by raised, wart-like lesions on unfeathered areas (head, legs, vent, etc.). The lesions heal in about 2 weeks. If the scab is removed before healing is complete, the surface beneath is raw and bleeding. Unthriftiness and retarded growth are typical symptoms of fowl pox. In laying hens, infection results in a transient decline in egg production (see Table 1 ).
In the wet form there are canker-like lesions in the mouth, pharynx, larynx, and trachea. The wet form may cause respiratory distress by obstructing the upper air passages. Chickens may be affected with either or both forms of fowl pox at one time.
Transmission : Fowl pox is transmitted by direct contact between infected and susceptible birds or by mosquitos. Virus-containing scabs also can be sloughed from affected birds and serve as a source of infection. The virus can enter the blood stream through the eye, skin wounds, or respiratory tract. Mosquitos become infected from feeding on birds with fowl pox in their blood stream. There is some evidence that the mosquito remains infective for life. Mosquitos are the primary reservoir and spreaders of fowl pox on poultry ranges. Several species of mosquito can transmit fowl pox. Often mosquitos winter-over in poultry houses so, outbreaks can occur during winter and early spring.
Treatment : No treatment is available. However, fowl pox is relatively slow-spreading. Thus, it is possible to vaccinate to stop an outbreak. The wing-web vaccination method is used for chickens and the thigh-stick method for turkeys older than 8 weeks.
Prevention: Fowl pox outbreaks in poultry confined to houses can be controlled by spraying to kill mosquitos. However, if fowl pox is endemic in the area, vaccination is recommended. Do not vaccinate unless the disease becomes a problem on a farm or in the area. Refer to the publication PS-36 (Vaccination of Small Poultry Flocks) for more information on fowl pox vaccinations.
If she were mine, I would put a moist cloth on her eye to loosen the scab on, then remove the scab to check for infection in the eye. Then I would very carefully put iodine on all of the scabs/sores making sure not to get any in the eye. Remember that the scabs are highly infectious, so dispose of them properly and wash your hands after handling her. You don't need to remove the other scabs unless they look like they have infection under them.

Disclaimer: This is my first year dealing with pox and my recommendations are based on what has worked for me so far. If anyone is interested, I started a thread that features my sickest birds:


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