Peep hatched with bloody sac attached Need Help

Sunny Dawn

In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 2, 2012
Hi - need to know what to do. I have a "late bloomer" hatch 36 hours after the first and she has the bloody sac attached. Not sure if I should just let it alone or nip it off. She is small and her down is dry and pasted together. Not fluffy like the others once they dry. Any advice appreciated...don't want to lose her. Thanks!
We had one like that last year, her name was tag because once it dried up it looked like a price tag. Leave it alone. it will dry up after awhile and will drop off. Normally we just see a small little thread on some but sometimes it will be like that. Leaving it there and letting the chick finish what is in it is best.
That was my thought as well but wanted to be sure. I have her alone in the incubator with the remaining few unhitched eggs. Didn't want any of the other peeps stepping or pecking at it. Thanks for the response. Greatly appreciated!
Yeah we worried about tag for the first day then she seemed to be doing ok, so we put her in with the rest of the chicks, and not even the slightest issue. In fact she is now one of my best layers.

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