Peepers are OFF! Girls are okay.


11 Years
Oct 21, 2008
Garland, Texas
I took the pinles peepers off my hens today. Since I just got the hen you see below, they needed to have full vision just to stay away from her. The 7 RIR pullets are about the same size, but this new black hen keeps them busy staying their distance. She set up a new pecking order, but she seems only aggresive if they invade her space. A quick lesson stays with the pullets before damage is done.


If you know anything about the behavior of this breed, I could use the news.
Yes, that's what she looks like 'cept she's a bit lean . . . young?

I imagine that she's stressed out and that may explain the aggression. It might also explain the "fighting trim."

Doc, I hope you watch for the posts of those folks with pecking problems and share your experience with the Peepers. I'm sure there aren't chicken-keeping experiences that are worse than the self-inflicted problems that some flocks have. Your ability to deal with the problem with good humor and, most important, success should be shared.

(And, I've had a heck of a good time laughing at the pictures


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