Peeping from the Bator!!


12 Years
Dec 19, 2007
Brighton, CO

Is there a usual amount of time that goes by from the first peep of the chick to the first pip of the egg? Or is there no real answer for my somewhat dumb question?
I'm right there with you. I've just heard the first "peep" in the bator but I don't see any "pips."

I'm sure the secret has to do with patience, LOL

Good luck with your hatch. What kind of eggs?

Thanks, It's acutally my first hatch so I put a few of my own girls in there. My roo is Mottled Cochin Banty and the girls are EE, BR, RIR, and then I put a little egg in from my Red Cochin Banty. They were supposed to debut on the 1st, two days ago, but my Tophatch fluctuates so much that I guess they're running late

Good luck on your's too! What are you hatching?

And patience isn't one of my virtues
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Is the suspense making you crazy? Wait 'till he only pips half way around and takes a break. You'll be chewing your nails off. You'd better get some thick gloves.
LOPRFYLER what's with the HE stuff?!?!?! I'm hatching all girls and that's all there is to it!
And yea, I'm horrible about running in there every 5 minutes to see what's going on. Waking up in the middle of the night, not wanting to go out anywhere...Let's face it, I'm a mess.......
Sorry, I meant to say her. I have only hatched four batches of banty eggs and working on my fifth. I've only lost a couple chicks early during incubation, but I was a nervous wreck everytime. When they would take a break, I would wonder if something is wrong and I was watching them die. Then they'd continue to hatch like an hour later. I tell ya, I was speed reading this forum every step of the way for the first couple of hatches. I hope they all hatch for ya.
Yeah, I go in the room with a flashlight to get a better look through the small windows. I wait, listen & watch. After I do that a couple times WITHOUT hearing peeps, then I start to worry. But then the next time I'll hear something. On and on it goes...

Gotta love them (and what they do to our minds)
some peep,pip and hatch, some peep, wait,wait,wait, pip, wait,wait,wait, start to zip, wait,wait,wait, hatch !!!! Good luck

Ohh so the usual amount of time is 5 min to 2 days


When i first hatch eggs mine peep then about 20mins later i had a pip
but every chick is different so you can never be sure about it

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