Peeping slowing down but still no pip


In the Brooder
12 Years
Mar 11, 2007
I have one egg in the bator that has been peeping and moving most of the day today (day 21). This evening I haven't heard a peep nor seen a movement. I know this has probably been asked a million times, but should I do anything? I hate the thought of the chick suffocating and dying in there simply because she might be in a bad position to pip. What to do? Any advice would be very much appreciated.

One more long past day 21 do you keep the hope? Should I keep the bator going for another few days?

Thanks so much.
The stress always gets me. I end up making a tiny hole at the top, then going down to the neck, they have their heads tucked to their chests if they aren't ready to pip or are stuck. If the blood vessels are more dried, then I go through and usually their beak is up, but they just can't get the shell cracked. If they are still hidden and it's day 22, I gently wiggle their heads up and get the beak out. Have to be super clean before doing any of it, clean fingers, clean tools. Mine rested once their beaks were freed to breathe and in the morning they were totally out and ready to go.
It's best to leave them be and all, but I just always fail on's so hard to think they might give up and die. You can do more harm extremely easily, though. Break a vessel and it's over 99% of the time. You can try it this once, just don't blame yourself if it still doesn't make it in whatever you decide to do. Kinda why I rather leave it to broodies! The new bator I'm making, I'm gonna try so freaking hard NOT to touch it...
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From most of what I've read on here of people's accounts of helping eggs to hatch, more often than not it does more harm than good. People drag chicks out their shells before they're properly ready to hatch then everyone posts messages saying 'oh, don't blame yourself, it just wasn't strong enough to survive'. Well, how do you know, if you haven't given it a chance! Last night I had three eggs pipping and hatching, and one other egg that was rocking and peeping, but it didn't pip along with the others. This morning it still hadn't pipped. Then it stopped peeping. Then it pipped late this afternoon and just hatched ten minutes ago, all by itself. If I had taken the quietness as a cue to open it up myself I'd most probably have hurt it, as it obviously just wasn't ready yet.

I feel quite strongly about non-intervention though, and as with all my advice, this is Just My Opinion!
I guess I'd better leave it be overnight anyway and keep my fingers crossed. I did a quick candling and the entire egg was black inside, couldn't see any movement, so it's definitely in the air sack...just waiting for that first pip. Just hate the thought of it struggling. It's so hard to be patient! THanks for the replies...very comforting to know that I'm not alone with this.'s been more than 24 hours now since I heard the chick in the egg peeping. Last night the peeping stopped and this morning still no pip. Should I intervene?

I have three other eggs in the bator that could potentially hatch (did a quick candle on them last night and see chicks in there, although nothing moving). How long after day 21 should I keep the bator going for them? Today is day 22.
Can you see it's beak? I would have thought about helping a tiny hole where the beak is, but that's me, and only if it's pipped. If there's no pip, I wouldn't be one to disturb it. Just maybe tap on it very lightly to see if there's a response, and keep the humidity 70 or above
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