Pekin Age / Rescued Duckling

Thanks for the input everyone! The duck is older than I thought, but that's alright. Still a cutie - I can't wait for it to make its adult noises so I can tell whether its male or female though lol
The duckling is doing pretty good - it's not getting along too well with my other ducks, but I'm getting a few more soon as ducklings and I figure I'll just integrate it with them.
The duckling is still making whistly noises as it breathes though - it has access to water deep enough to dip its bill in, so im unsure what it is. The duck doesn't seem bothered and isn't acting strange at all, so I don't know if I should even be concerned about it. But I'd rather be safe than sorry. If anyone has any advise on that, I'd appreciate it a lot. Thank you all for the comments! <3
Mine is just over a month and very similar to yours

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