Pekin attacked by bobcat 😭😭😭

Messaged the vet today as I'm concerned that momma is getting a bit anemic. While giving her the morning meds, I noticed that her mouth and tounge are more pale than they have been thus far. The vet said that's concerning and I'm waiting to see what he says. She has eaten much more pellets today, which is hopefull.
OK, wow, what a day. I ended up downloading the Airvet app and doing a televisit with a vet. He recommended putting her on Amoxicillin and Cyprofloxacin, which thankfully we have always. I just needed to go get a scale to get an accurate weight. He said cats are really bad due to the bacteria they have in their mouths and gave her a 20% chance. The bite area is swelling and her activity has lessened. I'm so heartbroken and praying our girl pulls through. I might put the 2 of them in a kennel together but with a divider. They are absolutely inseparable and she is everything to our drake, as he is to her. 💔😥View attachment 3432129
I am so sorry about your duck, I hope she makes a speedy recovery. Somebody referred me to your thread because I also made a post last night about our Pekin also getting attacked by a bob cat a week ago. Could you tell me what the dosage was for two? Also, have you noticed her poop changing color? My Pekins has changed but I think it might be because she doesn’t eat that much.
Thank you!


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I am so sorry about your duck, I hope she makes a speedy recovery. Somebody referred me to your thread because I also made a post last night about our Pekin also getting attacked by a bob cat a week ago. Could you tell me what the dosage was for two? Also, have you noticed her poop changing color? My Pekins has changed but I think it might be because she doesn’t eat that much.
Thank you!
I'm so sorry that someone else is going through this too! I despise cats! LOL here is what the vet said and it goes by weight. Our girl weighs 4lbs 12 oz. She hasn't pooped much but what I can see is greenish but that's probably the lack of food and stress/pain.

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