Pekin duck can't walk!

I'm letting her walk around in are front, so she can move around. She's been in that cage for a while now.
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She is walking normal again. She's eating fine, and honking. She's acting like herself again. Her feathers are growing back(they look really good!) But she still hasn't laid, and she has green diarrhea. It's really bad! I have to clean her cage 3 times a day becuase it's so bad. Other than she seems fine.

How long should I wait to put her back with the others?
That is great news, and maybe the green poop is from not eating so much when she wasn't walking. Get some electrolytes/probiotic mix at the TSC or feed store and mix in her water. It will help get her gut working right again. I'd give her a couple more days of TLC before putting her back especially if you have a drake, he may try mating her and I don't think it would be a good idea right now. As far as laying if she is coming out of molt it may still be a couple more weeks before you see an egg. Maybe even longer. But happy to hear she is up walking
So I have a very similar situation with a male pekin duck. He was born in April of this year, and by June, we really noticed him walking funny. Kind of limping and tilting to one side. I did some research into this and it seems common and that it could be a niacin deficiency. Since July I've been giving the ducks peas, lettuce, and adding brewer's yeast or niacin to their food and sometimes water. I bought oyster shell last week. He had shown improvement almost right away, but in the last week he's gotten really bad, the worse he's ever been. Before he had a hard time getting up, but then did not too bad once he got going. Still walked funny and had to take lots of rests, but could get around short distances. This morning, he couldn't even get himself up. He was trying so hard. I didn't let him out today and I put his food and water right beside him. I lifted him into the pool yesterday to make sure he got a swim, and because from being on the ground so much, he's quite dirty. Not sure what else to try. He doesn't seem to be in pain, other than the fact that he wants to keep up with the other ducks but can't. I don't know if this is a condition that is only going to worsen and that he will eventually die from, or if there are things I can do to cure him.
Have you checked his feet to make sure he doesn't have bumble foot? It would be a black scab looking thing on the bottom of his foot. If he doesn't have bumblefoot you might try what I've been giving my duck.

I have a pekin male duck that has been having problems walking too. I have been giving him a half a tablet of Arthropower for pets. I ordered it online from It has helped him a lot. He's still not running or anything but he is a lot more mobile then what he was. I break the half of pill in half and wrap it in a piece of bread and he eats it. This vitamin has glucosamine, chondrotin, msm in it. You can get 120 tablets and it runs about 14.00 with shipping.

I hope he gets better soon. Let us know how he is doing.

I tried to order that but it can't be shipped to Canada. I wonder if I can find a similar product here. Do you know what that product does?

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