Pekin Duck Club!

I got my first ducklings 10 days ago. They have grown so much. I can't wait til they start getting feathers. 2 are open to being picked up and held, the 3rd one(the smallest) is scared to be picked up. Once I am holding her (him) for a few minutes he(she) settles in and falls asleep. I hope he/she gets over it soon.
Every time I give my ducks fresh or frozen, thawed peas they lose their minds!!! I put them in a big bowl of water and they go nuts. If you click on the link, you can see how much they love them. I used to throw a few in the duckling "bath" water when I would let them swim, and they would dive down and get them. It was adorable!

Yep I have to agree Ducks love peas.

Welcome to BYC @klbishop611
Two of my jumbo Pekins have had leg problems. Will peas really help with that? I thought it was bumble foot.
Usually bumble shows up as a scab on the bottom of the foot or feet,. Pekins can have leg problems because they grow so fast and niacin is in short supply in all chick feed.It's important we supplement by either adding niacin crushed into their water at 125-150mgs per gallon or Nutritional [Brewers yeast] at 1 tab per cup of feed daily. This is something we just do right off the bat whether we're hatching ourselves or buying from hatchery or feed store. It's never too late to start them on B3 and see if it will help. How old are your Jumbos?

I understand peas does have some niacin but I wouldn't rely on peas alone especially if your already having problems
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The snow is finally beginning to recede and the Crazy gang have rediscovered their pond, all be it frozen solid. Their pen is a veritable mud bath so you can imagine the ducks are not white.
Add to this Madass Gladys who has decided now is a good time to get broody, shes made a lovely nest right inside the door of the coop so the rest of the gang have to run the gauntlet of her wild gesturing when they want to go inside. So far we've tricked her into sitting on faux eggs, shes a greedy woman and cannot pass up kale treat time so we steal her eggs while shes not looking.

This winter has been pretty brutal, we haven't had a huge amount of snow but when it comes it arrives with high winds and sub zero temperatures and to be honest I'm beginning to feel a little guilty at the ducks being outside. I'm back and forth with myself on rehoming them somewhere with a better climate, I'll post again once I've made my decision.
My new babies!

Thank you for your reply. We hold them and play with them everyday hopefully they will start trusting us soon.... What other foods do you feed your ducks 
My ducks love mealworms, no salt green beans I cut up very small, and hard boiled eggs cut up very small.

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