Pekin Duck Club!

Hi, I'm new to the site and just started a new thread with pictures of my new babies. Then I saw this and thought I would post here as well since my babies are Pekins! These are my 10 new ducklings that hatched today!

Oh... so cute!! I am hoping my Pekin will hatch out the eggs she's laying on - she's kind of half-hearted about it right now, so we'll see!

Boy I wish!
We almost lost another chicken last night. Our visitor came back! And honey got it! A 25pd raccoon! But it cost my Sofies eye and maybe the other eye. Shes walking in circles right now. Boy is she scared. But she got up and tried to come and see me.
Glad you got the culprit!! Hopefully no more losses....
Hi everyone, I haven't introduced myself in this thread yet. I've got 4, 3 month old ducks who have really come into their own recently. The biggest/loudest/piggiest of them all is my Pekin girl Grace. She's such a character, is the most friendly and absolutely loves treats (surprise surprise). Here's a few pics I was able to take of her yesterday, enjoy!

Okay everyone,
I wanted to go ahead and post how everything is going with the bumblefoot. I took pictures of my worst bumblefoot patient, "Ping", my Jumbo Pekin. After discovering hers, I inspected all the ducks and the other 3 had some in various degrees. The drake's is now completely gone, the female Rouen's is almost gone, and my other Pekin is slowly recovering as well. Since Ping's was the worst, I used her as the example as her bumblefoot still has a little ways to go. I was actually quite amazed that the others' disappeared so quickly.

The first photo was taken on May 25th, so it's been a little under 2 weeks. I ordered the koi meds but they took about a week to arrive. In the meantime, I soaked her feet in epsom salts about 4 times - during the first week. I applied NuStock to her feet daily for about a week, then switched to every other day. I did place "socks" on her feet for the first week to keep the NuStock on better. The next week, I just applied it and then placed her back into her run of clean shavings. I did limit her swimming and took out the shallow pan of water to keep her feet dry with the socks and meds on. I also increased her thiamine intake by letting her have dark leafy greens and peas more often. I also added niacin to their water for a few days. Because I ended up getting sick with a cold for a few days, I actually missed a couple days of treating her at all AND as a result, I hadn't started the koi meds as planned. So, the improvement has been NuStock and diet alone so far. At this point, I might not use the koi meds...we'll see...



And here's the other foot...


I'm new to ducks. thanks for showing this, How do they get it and where do you get the meds? Should you have them on hand jic?!

Well, we ended up letting the angels take poor Sofie because of that raccoon. Thought you guys would like to know. She spent the day w/ no food or water and by 6pm her tongue was hanging out and I couldn't just wait and see. She was quite and would let me pick her up w/o a fuss but.

And a Big Thank you to all of yous for telling me about the peas. One is trying to jump onto my lap and the other is by my feet but god forbid I come arnd at night to put them away. They still don't like to be close to me or go into their home w/o persuasion

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