Pekin Duck Club!

If I join the club do I get notifications if somebody posts or do I have to manually check? Anyways I have 2 Perkins and 2 mallards so I would definitely like to join. oh and they are all 16 weeks old!
Pekin Duck Club Members List:
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I would like to be added. I have a boy & girl pekin duck a year old. they're the first pet I've ever owned.
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All you can do right now is wait and see what happens as duck eggs take about 29 days to hatch. Or, when you see her leaving the nest to eat and a shirt swim rush in and check then. Nothing else you can do at this point.
Still nothing. I believe they both started sitting the same time. She is acting really wacky, Literally runs across the road, has some food, jumps in the creek and runs back, quaking her head off all the way. Figured we would leave her be for a bit longer since her friends are recovering in cages from a mink attack anyway. If still nothing by next weekend I think it be safe to say nothing is coming. The other ducklings are 3 weeks old now.
Give them a few more days. Sometimes they didn't start when we start to count. You can also try to candle them and see if the air sac is big and kinda pulling down on one side. Maybe even see a beak pushing at it. Then you know it should probably be another week or so.
how can you tell if you have a boy or girl duck. I tried to sex them by the vent but they didn't appreciate that very much. They are about 4-5 months old. help?!

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