Pekin Duck Club!

Birds establish a pecking order. I saw that when I got my new duck initially and I see that with the chickens too. They may fight but they usually work it out and then live in harmony. Or that's the way it has worked here.
Drakes are really hard on the females.  I had two females and now only have one.  The back of her neck is almost completely bald from where he grabs her.   Do they make any kind of head/neck wear for the ducks that protects the females necks?  With only one female I am worried she is just going to get to much attention from the male.  He is so sweet but he is a Horney little bugger.

Her health and life depend on your protection. I feel she does not have to be hurt - you could step in and protect her.

I do that for Romy.
Originally Posted by Cjewelr

2 pekin's here! I have 1 drake(Aflac) and 1 hen(Flo) who is currently sitting on her first "litter"... I'm new so I don't know much terminology, lol. Est. due date is June 10th...I have questions though. They are in a pen with a rooster and 6 hens (chickens, who all free range during the day)

1. Will the baby ducks be ok with all of them?
2. I have a kiddie pool, is it true they can drown?
3. The pool, should I keep it clean or do the ducks like it dirty?
4. Can I put fish in the kiddie pool? lol
5. Can the ducks free range as well once they hatch?

Hope know one thinks these are stupid questions but only one way to learn...ask. Thanks for your help!

Hi! I have to dash, please forgive the short answers. They are brief, but not meant to sound unkind….

1. No.
2. Yes
3. Depends on the weather - I dump, rinse and refill daily, scrub once a week or two - the water is excellent for gardens
4. Yes, right after filling it, they like fish - some have a concern about the source (want healthy fish)
5. My personal concern - every predator around loves to eat duckling - how will they be protected? Also, falls, getting stuck or lost….

HI I have a couple of answers I hope they help!
1. No I don't think so.
2.Yes they can drown what I did was when ever I would let them in the water I would always keep a close eye on them.
3. I have two tubs one for keeping a bit muddy and the other for having clean for baths(they prefere the muddy one).
4.Yes I believe thats fine.
5.When my babies were little I would always be right beside them incase of predators and contained them in one part of my yard.
Adorable pics. I have a Daisy too. Her mate is Albert. He seems to be wearing her out, mating her 1-2 times a day and she looks tired. I was looking for another female and think I have finally found one the same age. I will put them in the same area but fence between them for a few days. Anything else to make the transition smoother? I am nervous they may fight.
If u get another let the 2 see the new edition by Putin a dog carrier inside the duck pen or make a make Shift on just make it to where they can see each other do that for a few weeks let her out there will be a pecking order but I won't be bad and he will try her
I keep them separated at night. They have their houses side by side deprecated by wire caging. In the pond is mostly where he gets her. I will try to get him off her some times but I can't monitor them all the time. They are best buds and love hanging together. What do you do to protect yours?
I keep them separated at night. They have their houses side by side deprecated by wire caging. In the pond is mostly where he gets her. I will try to get him off her some times but I can't monitor them all the time. They are best buds and love hanging together. What do you do to protect yours?
I split the day pen, Romy and the runners on one side, Bean and the other buffs on the other. No one is alone. But due to where I live and my general approach, I do have it so that I can manage their whereabouts.

I understand everyone's setup is different. I just feel like Romy has only me to depend on to keep her safe. Bean is just being a drake, but he obsesses over her and I don't want her hurt.
Has anyone had any luck hatching pekin eggs naturally?  I  usually just remove the eggs and sell them but am thinking I may leave a couple for her to sit on.  Silly question but... will she just keep laying a new egg each day in the nest?  How long will it take for them to hatch?  I thought I read somewhere that Pekin's don't make the best parents?

It takes 28 days for them to hatch. Not sure about them being broody though, ducks are hit and miss.

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