Pekin Duck Club!


This is duckie she is a funny girl
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO YOU ALL Just a few pics to start the day! Not all of my flock are Peking, but I try to keep pics in this thread limited to the ones I have.
How old is she? Our two 8wk Pekings just started to turn white within the last 3 days. I'm sorta sad, I hoped since they were almost fully feathered they would stay yellow. Love seeing your guys' pics!! Here's a picture of Merry, getting huge and feathery! :love
Not difficult AT All, and if you only put in one or two, then planted the Right type of plants (some are simply useless) you could create their own little ecosystem, and it would be sooooo pretty... I love fish. Lol. Sorry, off topic
I guess I will have to do some research. I wonder if the ducks would be attracted to the pond if I did add fish. And if they would eat them....
Larri, Mo and Curly finally got their pool back yesterday!! Talk about happy ducks!!!
They sure look like they're enjoying it thoroughly! What happened they were without it? Also, was wondering... What's the size of your pool? From the pic it looks quite large. Now that we've got 8 in our flock we need to start thinking about getting a larger one. Especially since the pools will be out of season soon.
I filled an old sandbox for em until i get their pond fixed and they love it. They dont have many feathers yet and with that said when should i let them swin in deeper water?
Quite original using an old sandbox! Looks like your Kids are having a blast! how many do you have, and what are their ages. I'm assuming they are all Pekings?
Poor Daisy is looking rough!
She doesn't look THAT bad. I'm guessing she's getting her adult feathers in? You should see my 4wk blue Runner who is feathering. He's lanky, tall and clumsy. He looks so goofy. He is close to outgrowing our 7wk old Pekings!
This is duckie she is a funny girl
She is beautiful!
Happy Mother's Day to all the duckie mommies :) we went and played in the water hose this morning





I'm about to go let my herd out of their coop. Woke up late from what they're used to. Their routine is going to be screwy all day. They usually hop right in the pool as soon as I start to change the water. I'll try and get some pics.

Just a few pics to start the day! Not all of my flock are Peking, but I try to keep pics in this thread limited to the ones I have.

I guess I will have to do some research. I wonder if the ducks would be attracted to the pond if I did add fish. And if they would eat them....
They sure look like they're enjoying it thoroughly! What happened they were without it?

Also, was wondering... What's the size of your pool? From the pic it looks quite large. Now that we've got 8 in our flock we need to start thinking about getting a larger one. Especially since the pools will be out of season soon.
Quite original using an old sandbox! Looks like your Kids are having a blast! how many do you have, and what are their ages. I'm assuming they are all Pekings?
She doesn't look THAT bad. I'm guessing she's getting her adult feathers in?
You should see my 4wk blue Runner who is feathering. He's lanky, tall and clumsy. He looks so goofy.
He is close to outgrowing our 7wk old Pekings!
She is beautiful!
Happy Mother's Day to you too!!

A rough Winter prevented them from using their pool. But they still got on it and sometimes even with a small melt, in it!! It was filled with muck!! I couldn't do it by myself, not with that much muck, and had to wait until my husband was available.. They love being in the water!! My pool is 8 ft. in diameter and 18 inches deep. I got at WalMart for $13.00.
My lil boy is 5 to 6 weeks old so he's getting a lot of his adult feathers but his wings look rough. Especially when he's wet and his feathers are matted together, I see a lot of the stem part of the feathers if u know what I mean. But the girl isn't like that, is it normal? I'm sorry, I don't know exact terms and its hard for me to explain, and I still can't take pics since my daughter dropped my camera in her tub, she's not even two yet.
I read online that white pekins aren't broody meaning they sometimes abandon thier nest. I also read that you can use hens to brood the eggs until hatch. My question is, will my hen brood the eggs of they have never laid a fertile egg? I new to duck raising lol.

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