Pekin Duck Club!

I love seeing pics of kids and their duckies
Austin really loves his duckies. He's the whole reason we got Pekins to begin with. Saw one at the fair and talked dad into getting it. NExt thing you know, we have 3 and are hatching eggs LOL
I just bought a new flashlight that brighter and guess what ....................... All my eggs in the incubator are fertile and growing :) I can see the embryo moving with veins in all 7 eggs. Oh and I miscounted the mallard eggs I guess I only set 3, so its 4 pekin and 3 mallard. Plus there is a nest of 3 mallard/pekin/rouen mixed eggs in the coop.
Can I join the Pekin Club? The husband and I are TSC victims and not only got a new batch of chicks this year, but also got two baby ducklings, Ming-Ming and Silly (named by our 5-year old).


Hello Pekin Club!

Just hatched two Pekin ducklings late January, they are already nearly as big as their parents. The female, Ducky, was my sons pet & we have had her a few years. We lost her sister last year and my poor girl wouldn't leave her nest. I gave her some eggs from another person's pekin and got our drake. He as born last July and is already a papa.
I am thinking my two pekin babies are girls. They are starting to "quack" as apposed to the sound my drake makes.
The Pekin ducklings are a week older than the mixed ducklings, that is a long story.

So glad to see a Pekin club on BYC! Please count me in.
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