pekin duck eggs


In the Brooder
Oct 12, 2015
I have 2 ducks. Female and male. My female is very protective of her eggs she recently just started laying a few weeks ago. I thought I'd leave them and see if she hatches any. She did have one out of the nest the other day but put it with the others, there's 4 eggs and today she had the eggs all lined up in a perfectly straight line, evenly spaced with one still in her"nest" why is she doing this, should I take the eggs away?
Every morning, there are a nest full of eggs ready to take. They are always lined up perfectly, usually in a line or a semi circle. Except from one egg - one of my ducks lays green eggs, and the green egg is always pushed out of the nest, as far away as it can get. I wonder if they don't like the green egg messing up their pretty nest of white eggs

I don't want babies right now, so I collect the eggs every morning. If you can manage ducklings right now, sit back and see what happens!

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