Pekin duck laying 3 eggs a day

This is what they eat (I added a picture) 18% & they get mealworms once a day. They get oyster shells with their food about twice a week. I will definitely be picking that up. Thank you! There is no vet near us to care for my duck so I’m trying to do anything that I can. She has gotten a little better but still not fully herself. Her voice sounds like she’s kissing it a little bit & it scares me.
I feed Kalmbach too! But it does n or have enough calcium (1%) Ca. I make a mix of this feed and Mana Pro Mana Pro duck & Goose layer pellets (3.5-4.0%) calcium. Both are 18% Protein. I usually do 13 lbs. Kalmbach, 25lbs. Layer pellets for a 3% calcium mix. You want to shoot for 3% while laying.

I also do black soldier fly larva over mealworms as they have a better calcium content. And keep oyster shell out for free range all the time.

If you’re worried give 1mL calcium gluconate over peas/treat until their shells firm up, you can also add some electrolyte mix (rooster booster or hydro hen) to their drinking water to help if they are stressed.

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