Pekin duck not walking


In the Brooder
Jun 15, 2023
Hi, my 8 month old pekin suddenly has stopped walking it seems that on one leg his hock joint is very swollen and when he tries to walk it curls up and he can’t move on using the one good foot. i’m not sure what i should do or what it could be… the foot doesn’t have any bumble it just seems to be the hock itself that is causing an issue. any advice would be much appreciated. thank you!
It might be an injury or sprain, but I will tag @Miss Lydia to assist you since she is more familiar with ducks. You may want to separate him in a pen or dog crate with food and water to force him to rest his leg.
@duckmom216 can you post some pictures of his hock? It very well could be an injury. Does he have access to the pool right now? I know mine would jump off the side and hurt their leg so I started fencing around the pool only giving them one way in and out and using blocks of wood as steps.
Good idea to place him where he has to rest with feed and water while you figure out what he may have done. No cuts or abrasions where the swelling is? If it's a sprain they take a while to heal so keeping him from overdoing while he heals is always the best. Rest, water therapy[supervised], and liquid B complex all work together to help with healing.
@duckmom216 can you post some pictures of his hock? It very well could be an injury. Does he have access to the pool right now? I know mine would jump off the side and hurt their leg so I started fencing around the pool only giving them one way in and out and using blocks of wood as steps.
Good idea to place him where he has to rest with feed and water while you figure out what he may have done. No cuts or abrasions where the swelling is? If it's a sprain they take a while to heal so keeping him from overdoing while he heals is always the best. Rest, water therapy[supervised], and liquid B complex all work together to help with healing.
I’m not home at the moment but I will be able to get pictures tomorrow… he has daily access to a pool, but i’m thinking he might’ve injured it going in and out given he’s a jumbo pekin so he’s heavy and very clumsy. there’s not cuts but a swollen hock. since he’s not walking right now i hes in his house with the door open and food and water in front of him next to a heater just so he’s comfortable. I vet wrapped his foot. He was standing for a little while yesterday and today but not able to walk.
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I’m not home at the moment but I will be able to get pictures tomorrow… he has daily access to a pool, but i’m thinking he might’ve injured it going in and out given he’s a jumbo pekin so he’s heavy and very clumsy. there’s not cuts but a swollen hock. since he’s not walking right now i hes in his house with the door open and food and water in front of him next to a heater just so he’s comfortable. I vet wrapped his foot. He was standing for a little while yesterday and today but not able to walk.
@duckmom216 can you post some pictures of his hock? It very well could be an injury. Does he have access to the pool right now? I know mine would jump off the side and hurt their leg so I started fencing around the pool only giving them one way in and out and using blocks of wood as steps.
Good idea to place him where he has to rest with feed and water while you figure out what he may have done. No cuts or abrasions where the swelling is? If it's a sprain they take a while to heal so keeping him from overdoing while he heals is always the best. Rest, water therapy[supervised], and liquid B complex all work together to help with healing.
i posted an update with a video attached!

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