Pekin duck....treats??

I give mine anything and everything. They don't like sardines or bananas. LOVE mealworms and scrambled eggs. Chopped up Kale and romaine lettuce. Left over dinner. They had beef stroganoff this morning. Love spaghetti and it's hilarious to see the Pekins faces orange afterwards. Sometimes I mix can vegetables with uncooked oatmeal.
Peas!! We go thru a lot of's how we trained each new group where their own coop was, now it's just endless cuteness and love from them!

Our Pekins, William-O, Peggy-O, Loose Lucy, Larry & Shirley(was suppose to be a Laverne but was M)some jumbo, some crested. There is also a crested fawn runner, Franky, who hangs and coops with the Pekins(they all came together from McMurray Hatchery <5 stars)...

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Despite all that I've read about it, my Pekins don't seem to care too much for thawed frozen peas.

However, I have found that they LOVE wax worms, so much so that I've slowly gotten to the point where I can just pick each duck up and hold them while I feed them the worms by hand. Since I started giving them each a worm as I let them out in the morning, they've begun following me everywhere, quacking eagerly for treats. They let me pet them, pick them up, whatever I want as long as I give them a wax worm from time to time. It's been really wonderful, considering they used to keep about ten feet away from me at all times.

It may be a little costly to keep buying wax worms (they're sold as fishing bait, 2-3 dollars for a container of 36 where I live), but it's more than worth it to me to have my Pekins so close and happy to see me every day. I highly recommend trying a few if you want your ducks to treat you like children treat the ice cream truck.

One last thing: if you find that your ducks really love wax worms, but the price deters you, I believe you can invest in a worm farm specifically for wax worms and just grow them yourself, naturally and affordably. The worm farms are intended to be sold to fisherman who want to produce their own bait, but I can't imagine a better use for them than as a duck treat vending machine. I imagine growing your own worms would allow you to ensure absolutely nothing harmful goes into their diet (and by extension, the ducks' diets), too.

Hope this helps!
Pip and Scoots favourites treats are PEAS(I've noticed they all love peas ha ha)Grapes,tomatoes,green beans,lettuce,cucumber (peeled),ohhh they love meal worms.They weren't fussy on stewed apple ,banana,bell pepper or sweet corn?I tried them with milk but they walked away from it.Ive noticed a lot of you give scrambled egg,will have to try that one.

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