Pekin duck....treats??


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 9, 2014
New york
Hi guys I have 3 pekin ducks about a month old. I was wondering what other owners of pekin ducks give them for treats?? I heard lettuce and was wondering if anyone agrees or disagrees with that? Thanks everyone! :)
There is a sticky full of great treats (cant link it on mobile sorry) but personally i have found that mine love lettuce (not iceberg), peas, and corn (off and on the cob). They also enjoyed a tiny bit of small breed dog food (soaked in water is best) that our dog brought to them!
My ducks love dog food, cabbage and I've also gotten them dried meal worms and then dried meal worms mixed with corn. They love all of that stuff. I know someone whose ducks love oyster crackers, but never given mine any.
Mine either!! I don't know how I feel about giving mine dog food! The oyster crackers sound good though!
Hi! Don't forget that ducklings need to have had a little chick sized grit before treats, so that they can "chew" the treats and not have mild to serious digestive troubles.

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