Pekin Duck with Limp and Popping hip


Jul 12, 2022
Hi, so I have 4 ducks and also 4 chickens but this is about one of my ducks. I have a pekin duck and at about a month old I noticed he started to become bowlegged but there wasn’t a lot I could do because he was so grow but lately I’ve noticed he can’t and won’t walk. He is limping, his leg or hip is popping when he walks, when I move this leg he doesn’t seem to be in any pain but I believe he broke it in some way. If so, what can I do for him?
Can you post a picture and a video of your duck moving. In order to post a video, you must first upload it to another site like you tube or vimeo, then you can upload the link.

It sounds like it could possibly be a slipped tendon. If you feel to the left and right of the hock joint you should be able to feel the tendon. Usually the joint is swollen too. Here is some information on how to treat it if it is a slipped tendon. Depending on how long it has been going on, it may not be treatable.

Pekins are often also prone to naicin deficiency. I would recommend supplementing the duck with naicin. Vitamin B complex is the best for niacin deficiencies. You can get it at TSC. It says injectable, but you can give it orally. You can either put it over a tasty treat or give it orally in a syringe. The dosage is 1ml a day.

Here is a video of him trying to walk, he usually won’t walk unless he goes to eat or drink which I think it good that he will at least move to do that. It doesn’t feel like his hip is swollen to me, from what I can feel his left hip (the leg you can see if the video is the one that’s causing problems) feels very pointy compared to his right hip if that makes sense and then there’s the popping sound. In your opinion, if it’s not treatable, what’s the best thing to do? I don’t want him to be in pain. He’s also had hip that’s poked out more than my other ducks so also had some trouble walking but not limping or like this.
Here is a video of him trying to walk, he usually won’t walk unless he goes to eat or drink which I think it good that he will at least move to do that. It doesn’t feel like his hip is swollen to me, from what I can feel his left hip (the leg you can see if the video is the one that’s causing problems) feels very pointy compared to his right hip if that makes sense and then there’s the popping sound. In your opinion, if it’s not treatable, what’s the best thing to do? I don’t want him to be in pain. He’s also had hip that’s poked out more than my other ducks so also had some trouble walking but not limping or like this.
The hock joint is not the hip. It is what is essentially is the equivalent of the ducks ankle and heel, but a lot of people mistake it for the knee. In the image below you can see the tendon (red) sits in the back of the hock joint. It can slip to the side.


This may or may not be what is happening. It can be treated, but not always. Depends on how long it has been going on. You will have to feel for that tendon to determine of that is what is even going on. The link I sent you earlier goes into the treatment for slipped tendons, but it can also require surgery.

It is possible something else is going on. You could have a joint popped out of place, which a vet would be best to help you with that.

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