Pekin duck won't stop screaming!!!


In the Brooder
May 17, 2021
Hello everyone!

This is my first time raising ducks and I desperately need some help. I raised one pekin duckling (her name is Dior) ever since she has hatched and when she was around 2 months old I realised that it's cruel to not let her have friends! So I bought another pekin duck around the same age as Dior but the only problem is she won't stop screaming. And when I say scream, I mean literal yelling day and night. I assume it's because she came from avery large flock and she's not used to being with only one other duck?

She constantly runs away from us when we're outside, she screams in her coop in the middle of the night, she's just not happy and I don't know why! :( My family is considering giving her away to a friend who is more experienced with ducks and has a large flock but I'd feel terrible.
I also don't want Dior alone again but I also don't want to be cruel and take another duck from her flock so should I bring home a duckling?

Thank you to anyone who replies!
Can you trade her for another from the friend who has a large flock? Surely another one wouldn’t have the same issue. A duckling wouldn’t be able to be with Dior till fully feathered So she’d still be alone for at least 5-7 weeks
Can you trade her for another from the friend who has a large flock? Surely another one wouldn’t have the same issue. A duckling wouldn’t be able to be with Dior till fully feathered So she’d still be alone for at least 5-7 weeks
I might just do that thank you! I think I'm mostly anxious because I didn't want to bring home another duck for her to also miss her flock.
Dior doesn't pick on the new duck does she? she for sure? Maybe introduce through fencing for a couple of days just so they get use to each other. And another idea why not bring home 2 ducks that way if something ever did happen to one there would still be two to keep each other company.
Dior doesn't pick on the new duck does she? she for sure? Maybe introduce through fencing for a couple of days just so they get use to each other. And another idea why not bring home 2 ducks that way if something ever did happen to one there would still be two to keep each other company.
Yeah I don't think they both get along as well as I'd hoped. They share the same coop and yard but kind of keep to themselves. I've looked into buying a pair of ducks , thank you for your kind help!
Hello everyone!

This is my first time raising ducks and I desperately need some help. I raised one pekin duckling (her name is Dior) ever since she has hatched and when she was around 2 months old I realised that it's cruel to not let her have friends! So I bought another pekin duck around the same age as Dior but the only problem is she won't stop screaming. And when I say scream, I mean literal yelling day and night. I assume it's because she came from avery large flock and she's not used to being with only one other duck?

She constantly runs away from us when we're outside, she screams in her coop in the middle of the night, she's just not happy and I don't know why! :( My family is considering giving her away to a friend who is more experienced with ducks and has a large flock but I'd feel terrible.
I also don't want Dior alone again but I also don't want to be cruel and take another duck from her flock so should I bring home a duckling?

Thank you to anyone who replies!
Do you have a video? Some hens are more noisy than others especially at the beginning and around the teenager phase. At 2 months running away from you is normal as well. I had a Rouen who was dropped off that would loudly quack what seemed like non-stop and as soon as she hit 1 year she calmed right now. I've hatched others who seemed to be extra noisy as well and again as soon as they hit 1 year they started to calm down. A couple of questions for you-

1. When did she start the constant quacking? Was it when the new friend was introduced? Before?

2. How long has she been with the new duck?

3. How old was she when you initially got her and how much did you hold her initially?

4. Is she still in the brooder or kept under heat?

5. How big is the area you keep the ducks in and how hot is it there?
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