Pekin ducks


In the Brooder
8 Years
Sep 14, 2011
In April,We purchased our 3 pekins at one day old. We have 2 very handsome drakes and a beautiful hen. About 10 days ago i found a couple of buried eggs. The next day i noticed loose dirt in the pen and she buried another egg. She laid 4 eggs in that spot and then finally went to the igloo ( which i put in there for her to lay in) where she has laid 2 eggs. Im assuming the eggs are fertile and we were hoping she would get broody and hatch a clutch. When do I pull the eggs? At what point is it obvious she doesnt want to care for them? Ive read it can take about a week for a hen to lay her clutch? Im new to the duck thing! Advice?
The reason she wont lay at the same spot is because she isnt ready to hatch. If she has been laying in the igloo maybe she is getting ready to sit, I have a rouen female that just started laying, and if I didnt pen her up at night, she would lay everywhere too. Good luck and keep us updated!
My adult female pekins I got from a person with like 20! They laid but she only ever had one broody pekin! This breed has been bred to be a big meat bird and over the years have taken the wild right out of them causing them to be terrible brooders.

You could always get a muscovy they are amazing brooders and maybe put pekin eggs under her?
They are penned up at night., in a 16x 8 ( or something pen) so she still has plenty of places to hide them!
Should i dump the eggs and just start collecting daily? I have read that pekins are wonderful brooders and ive heard they are terrible brooders. So i dont know what to believe! Also didnt expect eggs at 5 months old! Most sites said her first season would be spring!
Couple of things...

1) You need more females! 2 drakes to one hen can lead to a harassed, tired, or even dead hen.
2) Pekins are not normally good broodies, but there are exceptions. If you want to definitely hatch some ducklings, either get an incubator or get another duck of a breed known for broodiness.
3) 5 months is a little soon for a seasonal layer like a Pekin. Consider yourself lucky and enjoy!
If you want a really broody breed I would get some welsh harlequins, I heard they are WONDERFUL!!! Brooders.
They were straight run when we bought them. We didnt choose gender. We have considered adding an adult female.
But she does not seem harrassed or tortured at all.
I love watching them and interacting with them. So different than chickens.
I know shes young and i am quite surprised at the eggs. We have considered an incubater, and if she doesnt sit soon we will probably get one.

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