Pekin in the ocean??


Jun 11, 2020
Hi all! I know this doesn't exactly pertain to a backyard flock, but I have a question about a duck that I found in the ocean yesterday. I am in the inner harbor of Baltimore MD and I found what I am almost positive is a pekin duck. I was going to try to get him out but then I posted in a neighborhood facebook group and people commented that they have been seeing this duck in the marina for a couple of years. Does anyone know if it is possible that he is surviving just fine in the wild in saltwater? I did not think pekins could survive long at all on their own, especially through the winter and in saltwater where they would have to learn to find food (and they dont eat fish or anything that most saltwater ducks do). If he somehow is surviving out there then I wouldn't want to displace him, but I would love any advice people have to offer about whether this is really possible or if it would be best to get him out.
I know that we have mallards and other wild duck species here but pekins are not found in the wild naturally. They are completely domesticated so the only way for them to end up there is from being dumped. So while other ducks can definitely live here I am not sure whether the pekin can survive.
I think its fine

""Although the Inner Harbor is a highly urban setting, visitors are often surprised to see wildlife. Surrounded by native plant gardens, the saltwater harbor attracts waterfowl, shorebirds, songbirds, fish, and other wildlife.""
I do not think it is fine. That is a domestic duck that has been dumped. He cannot fly. Wild mallards may fly in and leave when they are ready. THe pekin cannot do that. He cannot go find fresh water to drink. He is likely living on bread thrown to him by well meaning but misguided people. Even his posture in the photograph -- he is clearly angry/protesting -- indicates he is not fine being there. He needs a safe coop at night and domestic ducky friends, as well as a good diet for domestic ducks

The pekin needs rescuing. I like needs people in a couple of canoes with nets.
this guy is hilarious
he grabs ducks and geese from parks and says its perfectly legal I d ont know, is it ? I think she'll be hard to catch but you can try...

ALSO :: Here is Help! this is a great resource on how to catch them
Haha I love that guy. Def not legal to grab wild ducks, but I do think it would be legal to remove a domestic duck from the wild. In most states it is actually illegal to dump domestic ducks in parks and ponds. Thanks for the link, very helpful!
I do not think it is fine. That is a domestic duck that has been dumped. He cannot fly. Wild mallards may fly in and leave when they are ready. THe pekin cannot do that. He cannot go find fresh water to drink. He is likely living on bread thrown to him by well meaning but misguided people. Even his posture in the photograph -- he is clearly angry/protesting -- indicates he is not fine being there. He needs a safe coop at night and domestic ducky friends, as well as a good diet for domestic ducks

The pekin needs rescuing. I like needs people in a couple of canoes with nets.
Okay thanks so much. I agree but was just wondering because the people around the neighborhood claim he has been there for years. Maybe multiple different ducks being dumped?

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