Pekin with swollen leg and can't walk.

The bath is helpful because her body weight in the water is reduced, so there is less pressure on the joint. That is a promising sign. Arnica Monatana can be easily ordered from amazon. I prefer the BOIRON brand. It is a homeopathic remedy to decrease inflammation and swelling.
Hi Emily, you said at first that you were going to take her to the vet... did you end up doing that and what did they say?

I'm not an expert by any means, but my thought is that if the entire foot, toes and leg were swollen in the beginning that would imply infection... possibly stemming from that bumble that was on her heal. Depending on what your vet said/says, you might look into trying antibiotics. If you do, you should supplement her diet with probiotics.

As far as additional special treatment goes (epsom salt soaks, wraps, etc.), do what you're comfortable with. I personally take a hands-off approach when it comes to sprains/pulled muscles, for example.

And it's always best to give your duck enough time, they are very willful and determined to live... they can completely turn around from injury or disease. The way you've described it here, it sounds like your duck has improved since this all started. So she might have a hold of whatever is going on and just needs more time. Of course, you know the situation and the duck much better than I do, I just wanted to share my thoughts.

Wishing you the best.
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Thanks everyone for responding. But I just found something on her leg that I haven't seen before. Just where her leg becomes feather it is very swollen and something is sticking out of her skin. I'm scared it is her bone. If it is which I'm pretty certain it is her pot leg has been broken this entire time. I don't know if is fixible at this point...
Thanks everyone for responding. But I just found something on her leg that I haven't seen before. Just where her leg becomes feather it is very swollen and something is sticking out of her skin. I'm scared it is her bone. If it is which I'm pretty certain it is her pot leg has been broken this entire time. I don't know if is fixible at this point...
She needs to see a vet, even if they can't do anything at this point but put her down she has to be in alot of pain..

Injuries can be over looked so easily so no one is condemning you but this injury needs to be looked at by a professional.
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I know I've already called a vet. She is one of 14 others that we are raising for meat so my boyfriend wants to harvest her this evening but I've worked so hard to heal her I don't want to stop now. The vet I just talked to said he would have to remove the protruding bone the sew her up. I'm just waiting for my ride to pick me up and drive me to the vet an hour from my farm.
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I know I've already called a vet. She is one of 14 others that we are raising for meat so my boyfriend wants to harvest her this evening but I've worked so hard to heal her I don't want to stop now. The vet I just talked to said he would have to remove the protruding bone the sew her up. I'm just waiting for my ride to pick me up and drive me to the vet an hour from my farm.
Please let us know what all the vet does. Hoping it turns out well for her.
Well we ended up putting her down ourselves. After talking to the vet the chances of her recovering were not looking good. Sounds like she was healing then her fracture couldn't hold and just broke. I think she had poor genes.

It was hard to not think of her as a pet because I had spent so much time with her but I didn't want her to be in pain any longer. Completely broke my heart and I now know I'm not cut out for raising ducks for meat. Thank you so much for your ideas and support. I'm so happy I had this forum to fall back on.
Well we ended up putting her down ourselves. After talking to the vet the chances of her recovering were not looking good. Sounds like she was healing then her fracture couldn't hold and just broke. I think she had poor genes.

It was hard to not think of her as a pet because I had spent so much time with her but I didn't want her to be in pain any longer. Completely broke my heart and I now know I'm not cut out for raising ducks for meat. Thank you so much for your ideas and support. I'm so happy I had this forum to fall back on.

So sorry but you did the right thing.
and I understand completely about raising them for meat, they just have a way of waddling right into our hearts.

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