Peking Duckling with crooked neck. help

Hi, just found this thread :) glad to hear Bentley is doing better! In May 2012 I rescued a tiny duck that was dumped at a park I was working at. My boss said it couldn't stay and the ogre was going to put it down. I brought it home. She had/has a crooked neck and a hunched back appearance. She spent the first few days in a pet carrier in our bedroom. Wish we had known about the supplements last year as we may have been able to straighten her out as you did Bentley. She is a happy devoted duck, she lays an egg most every day and she swims and splashes with her friends (who we had to buy for her because we didn't want her to be lonely). Her name is Quasi (as in Quasimodo) and my husband and I have become duck enthusiasts because of our sweet little Quasi, we now have a total of 5. Her only "disability" is that she can't go to the right, only goes left. We could have called her Nascar, Lol.
Hi, just found this thread
glad to hear Bentley is doing better! In May 2012 I rescued a tiny duck that was dumped at a park I was working at. My boss said it couldn't stay and the ogre was going to put it down. I brought it home. She had/has a crooked neck and a hunched back appearance. She spent the first few days in a pet carrier in our bedroom. Wish we had known about the supplements last year as we may have been able to straighten her out as you did Bentley. She is a happy devoted duck, she lays an egg most every day and she swims and splashes with her friends (who we had to buy for her because we didn't want her to be lonely). Her name is Quasi (as in Quasimodo) and my husband and I have become duck enthusiasts because of our sweet little Quasi, we now have a total of 5. Her only "disability" is that she can't go to the right, only goes left. We could have called her Nascar, Lol.

Awww :) Sounds just like Bentley. I think I was lucky his neck straightened out. But I do think if it hadn't he would have gotten along just fine like your Quasi :)

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