Peking Ducks?


Mar 28, 2020
What's this thing about Pekin ducks having problems? Do they have special problems? It sounds like from some comments, hinting things that they do.

I have pekins. I also really like the white coats they have. Beautiful and nice.

But I'd been trying to decide if I should switch to a breed that is less food consumption, and a lighter weight. Are pekins more noisy than others, because of larger body giving more voice power? Louder I should say, because of more pounds per quack?

Is it better to go with lighter breeds also for better gas milage, like runners and khakis?

I'll still have ducks regardless of the outcome, so you don't need to sugar coat it thinking you'll save them.

Thanks for any advice.
Yes, they are quite the high maintenance breed, when young leg problems are almost a given if they arent fed a correct diet, and in my experience when they age around 2/3 years they start to develop leg problems due to them being so heavy, along with this wet feather and poor feather quality due to lack of hygiene, overall they tend to get lazier as they age. They can be quite loud, most people say they are the loudest right behind the Call. They are a great breed for egg/meat production, but as far being pets, don't expect them to live very long, and if they do they'll require lots of care to keep them healthy.

This is my experience with them, I'm sure many people will post to get them and they've never had problems, I can't say that.
I have two pekin(a pair) originally had a half dozen(1, drake, 5 ducks) My Pekin pair are pretty old and the duck was attacked by a dog and has a permanent ligament problem, so doesn't walk so good in other words.

The drake is a total D*ck. I call him donald, he is very good with people but seriously will NOT stop fighting with other ducks here still to this day...(I ran/run mainly 'scovies) this generally though from what i have heard is pretty typical, they are "aggressive" the drakes.

Problem wise? legs, yes can be. My drake has none and he's a big boy, he is gorgeous actually, eye problems? yes i have found that even from young, i have always whined on about that...(raised my pekin from a straight run hatch) I don't find they eat anymore than my scovies do but again they are big birds. My female is still laying much to my surprise actually, i cannot recall off the top of my head how old they are, will have to dive back into my files.

I find they are easy keepers, easy to handle, and love water, very winter hardy too. I have tossed some eggs under my silkies to see if i can get more lol. They are not good foragers or mothers, i have had poor success with that, they are kinda clumsy.

I don't find them that loud but then again i own call ducks.. NOBODY beats those ducks. I think the thing is though, every breed has it's own quirks and for some folks the negatives outweigh the positives, for myself folks love Muscovy and i started into birds with mine but i have no intent to buy them again, i only have a few(11) and only drakes now but for myself after years of owning and breeding them, i would prefer other breeds.
Call ducks are the loudest?
Do Muscovy behave better than the others? Or just different other than being more quiet?

Oh...wanted to ask also...

Every now and then one of my peking ducks does an almost but not quite goose like honk. Plus, that and the fact that they look similar collars to geese made me wonder if there was any gene transfer there? What do you think?

I know geese shouldn't be able to cross breed with ducks. But I wonder why some types of ducks will occasionally seem to mimic the geese honk and other similar traits? Maybe they had a common ancestor at some point?
Call ducks are the loudest?
Do Muscovy behave better than the others? Or just different other than being more quiet?

Oh...wanted to ask also...

Every now and then one of my peking ducks does an almost but not quite goose like honk. Plus, that and the fact that they look similar collars to geese made me wonder if there was any gene transfer there? What do you think?

I know geese shouldn't be able to cross breed with ducks. But I wonder why some types of ducks will occasionally seem to mimic the geese honk and other similar traits? Maybe they had a common ancestor at some point?

For the most part yes.

Genetics is like a foreign language to me, but I doubt there is any correlation between Pekins and Geese.
My ducks are only 5 weeks old and they each have problems. One is very lame and prefers to lay down most of the time (niacin deficiency-but we gave him plenty-in his food/tablets but he’s still pretty lame) the other duck was born with a deformed beak. He has quite the underbite. I love em but they’ve got their problems.

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