Peking female limping after in water all night


Feb 5, 2021
Good morning duck fam.
It was a scorcher yesterday so I gave my 2 ducks fresh water in their pool and they spent all day and night in it.
When I went this morning I got them out, it’s a new pool and higher so I was thinking maybe they couldn’t get out, and it was breakfast time.
The male was fine. But when I took out the female she was stumbling around, losing her balance. When she tried to flap her wings or clean herself she was falling over.
She was fine when I put her in the pool yesterday.
Not sure what it could be or how to help her.
You really need some type of steps or ramp for them to safely get in and out of their pool. I have a large rock in my biggest pool for mine to use to step up on to get out and steps on the outside so they don't have to jump down and hurt their legs. If she didn't get out to eat all this time it could be her blood sugar got too low. make sure she has her feed and fresh water close by and also add some electrolytes to her water which should help stabilize her electrolytes. How is she now compared to earlier this morning?
This is their stock tank it has a large rock in it so they can step up to get out also
You really need some type of steps or ramp for them to safely get in and out of their pool. I have a large rock in my biggest pool for mine to use to step up on to get out and steps on the outside so they don't have to jump down and hurt their legs. If she didn't get out to eat all this time it could be her blood sugar got too low. make sure she has her feed and fresh water close by and also add some electrolytes to her water which should help stabilize her electrolytes. How is she now compared to earlier this morning? View attachment 3150660This is their stock tank it has a large rock in it so they can step up to get out also
Thank you. I have steps on the outside but nothing inside, I'll definitely get that taken care of today. She seems better, she is eating and drinking and moving around a bit but still unsteady. I'll add some electrolytes to her water and hope that helps. I also gave her some lettuce because she loves it lol. Appreciate your help.

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