Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

WING A DING DING Thought of you

Hey, anyone ever make a coop for their ducks with skids? Or is that too ghetto? I have a bunch of mixed ducklings and they are outgrowing their temporary pen.
Hey this may be a bit late. But We just finished our pallet coop. We had access to some nice ones. Two 10 x 4 for the walls. 3 4x4's for the floor (covered with 2inch thick "scrap" wood from a fence) and 6 more 4x4's joined for the roof. It is peaked but not centered. We then covered the roof with outdoor quality luan and covered that with rubber roofing under layment scavenaged from a high school my father had from 12 yrs ago. So far the cost incurred amounted to $89.00. We did have lots of material at our disposal. One thing to consider is the birds safety. You will be suprised by the amount of gaps and points of entry preditors may have. (the open ends of the pallets for the roof!) I can post some pics if you like.
I have had raccoons coming around every night for a month or two. I kept setting one of those live cage traps but it never works. Sometimes if I use sardines, they actually go in, eat the sardines and leave without ever setting the trap off. I just got some of those hand traps and set it for the first time last night. By 10:00 last night I had one. Those things are awesome! I actually got two of them but only set the one, being unsure if it would work. I will be setting them both tonight! I free range my chickens during the day but they all go in the coop and run at night and I lock them in. I am feeling much better about my odds against these things now!
we've had pretty good luck with the hav a heart, that is, if they haven't been caught in one before and let loose, we caught two a couple of weeks ago, but the young ones from last year are on the move, momma ran them off for this years babies so now here they come, we'll keep those three in the pen til we catch whatever, and probably for a good while.
what is a hand trap?
I ended up starting Marion (the BCM) and the tetra on the Tylan 50 this morning. Marion's swelling has spread to the other side of her face (although her other eye has not started to puss), the tetra does not have any further swelling, but I figured I'd start both to be safe. They still do not have any nasal discharge of any sort, nor do they sound raspy or congested. They are also getting the save-a-chick electrolytes in their water, and I've moistened their food with the mixture instead of their normal fermented feed. Any other suggestions to make them more comfortable, or to help with healing, would be appreciated.
sounds like what my fil had in one of his turkeys years ago, turned out to be a sinus infection, he treated and also had to drain the sinus's
Glad your hens made it through without more extensive injuries! I hate that feeling you get when you hear something like that. Mindy is usually first out the door any time we hear a bird making funny noises, she hasn't had to take care of any coons yet (thankfully) but she did catch and do in a possum last week. Hoping Dillon follows her lead as he gets older!
Good luck catching the culprit tonight!
thank you, i would love to have a dog like mindy that looks after chickens, but we have a frenchie who would love to eat them herself and a schipperke who's a wimp, scared of everything
we've had pretty good luck with the hav a heart, that is, if they haven't been caught in one before and let loose, we caught two a couple of weeks ago, but the young ones from last year are on the move, momma ran them off for this years babies so now here they come, we'll keep those three in the pen til we catch whatever, and probably for a good while.  
what is a hand trap?

This the hand trap I got:

After you set it, stuff some food down inside if it and when they grab it, they will also pull the trigger and snap it shut on their hand. There is no way they can get their hand out.
This the hand trap I got:

After you set it, stuff some food down inside if it and when they grab it, they will also pull the trigger and snap it shut on their hand. There is no way they can get their hand out.
oh, i've seen those before on you tube, and how they work, i did check into those once but i needed something right away and already had the hav a heart and a old time trap, we used the old time one and caught four

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