Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Well that's good to know. I can understand the ducks but my silkies shouldn't get too dirty, too fast.
I didn't show at the York fair I missed the dead line, but I plan on showing this year. I showed at the farm show, I took couple silkies and black copper marans. This year I plan on only showing the silkies since I lost my bcm rooster to frostbite in feb. I got some true araucana that I plan on showing next year, they are too young right now. I don't really know anyone from that area. :(

Re: Lebanon County Fair. Not sure if I'm interpreting the forms correctly but it looks like anyone (from PA) showing chickens there needs to have them vaccinated for laryngotracheitis within a year of, and more than 30 days prior to show -along with blood tests. AppleJack, I assume you would be covered there as this is also a requirement for the State Farm Show.
I second that on the worst day thing. our ewes love to have there lambs on the coldest day, or the bigges snow or worst rain storn.... ALWAYS!!!!! Nad they should also bag up more before having the kids as well. :) And i DO have cholostrum in freezer from our ewes. Just let me know if you need it. I have found once i started saving cholostrum to give to those who were abandoned or too week, we lost a lot less lambs.
Awesome! Thank you. So I can give Ewe colostrum to kids? Sweet.
Any pictures from the get together this weekend? I want the hubby to start working on my coop soon. I know what I want the outside to look like but what are some must haves for the inside? The one we have now has a small window, an opening on the back to get the eggs and the bottom pulls out for easy cleaning. The perch we put in is too high and the birds hardly use it. Should I put it on the same side as the nest boxes or the opposite side? I've read about putting a ledge underneath to catch droppings and makes for easy clean up. If anyone has any inside pictures of their coops or things they love or hate about it please let me know! Here is our coop before the addition. I want the same simple set up for the new one......just bigger.
This is Terrific! One thing I would add is ventilation. My birds always find their way to the topmost point, especially if it's not a roost AND they can poop in their food from there.
to all those up in the northern part,,,,,I will be at the cabin just outside of milroy on the far side of the state park in august for a week,,,i would be happy to have a bunch of you there,,,nothing fancy but we do have a grill and can always set up the horseshoes or possibly some target practice...will be ther from aug 13 to the 18...with the exception of the 1 day I will go to penn state campus for ag progress.......WARNING>>>>> this is primitive, a cabin in the woods, we do have electric and gas but water is pumped from a stream (meaning outhouse)....

open invitation to all even those down here in the south of the state, it is only a 2 hour drive.
The Doe Code:

Any pictures from the get together this weekend?

I want the hubby to start working on my coop soon. I know what I want the outside to look like but what are some must haves for the inside? The one we have now has a small window, an opening on the back to get the eggs and the bottom pulls out for easy cleaning. The perch we put in is too high and the birds hardly use it. Should I put it on the same side as the nest boxes or the opposite side? I've read about putting a ledge underneath to catch droppings and makes for easy clean up. If anyone has any inside pictures of their coops or things they love or hate about it please let me know!

Here is our coop before the addition. I want the same simple set up for the new one......just bigger.

well done! I need this so I can keep my White Faced Spanish! where did you get your roofing?
Is summer just the greatest thing ever?? I believe it is. Still no goat babies.

The littles. And yes. the child on the left is a boy. He's going through that, 'I'm not cutting my hair stage'. DH is freaking, I'm like: 'whatever". When things heat up in the next few weeks, I believe we'll be hitting the barber. And if not, I'll get him a hair band.

This is a very cool and priceless pic!
I have one or two C Cream Legbar Roos from both madamwlf and babymakes6 if there is interest else they will be meaties. PM me if there is any interest please, the madamwlf chicks carry the white gene. Not sure on price, we can discuss in PM. Babymakes6 Roo's are absolutely awesome looking!

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