Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Legit in what sense?
There are groups that do that rather regularly. They apply as workers and videotape and edit. I believe this chicken farm was one of theirs near Elizabethtown, iirc. Good conditions? Not really. Standard by industry standards? Pretty much.
Typical factory farm. I have worked in them in the past (flamesuit on). Crowded wire cages, automatic feeders, light controlled, dusty, yes to all. They are egg factories.
I'm not defending them, but that is how stores can offer eggs so cheap.
What other question would you have?

Legit as in factual. I'm wondering if there really were birds stuck in automatic feeders, was Salmonella really found there? .

and my other question would be -how's the rest of your week going? Hope it got better for you.
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Just picked these and ate them immediately after the photo! This is from a raspberry patch that is very neglected, and does not get enough sun etc...............and a day or two had a similar handful! Usually , when I cared for the bush more----I got much much less because the birds ate them all! I think the rain has something to do with it-------but just wanted to share this!

also----------I just put all the materials I have gathered over 2 weeks from craigs list, peoples basements, my basement, etc etc.....all the free and possible useful materials on my front I can start doing the building even if it rains.

Its not a big porch but it has a roof.

remember my initial idea was just converting the dresser into a small coop for 2-3 bantams................and my avatar picture is that dresser.

Considering what materials I have gathered -------------and all the reading and looking at pictures I have done....................and considering my very minimal carpentry skills--------------------I wonder what I will end up with????? stay tuned for the ungoing saga of

Lisa's first DIY coop!

I don't know how the story will proceed but I do know the beginning and some of the features that will be encountered!
Mine was a royal pain in the dupa I had 30 abscesses over a 2 year period, most likely picked it up at work (was working at an E.R. at the time). They put me on Doxy AND Bacterium for 6 months, and thankfully haven't had one since. Six months of antibiotics was a bit of a pain, but far better than having the abscesses.
I love that you remind us of that, seriously no sarcasm intended, thank you. We check ours after they've gone to roost each night and check them again before they go out in the morning. Let me rephrase that: I check them, Gavin is usually asleep. I check combs, wattles, noses, beaks/mouths, hinnies, and feet/legs but I have a lot of free time with the my health issues. I also check the poo in the litter pan/poo board every morning, since they're almost completely free range I worry a lot about cocci.

I know your pain, I had home nursing for 6 months, I had a pic line with vancomycin I had to give myself via IV for 16 weeks and each day they would come take my blood and check vitals and my arm and feet. I had to go back to work and they were upset with me, I cut a mens tube sock off and pulled it up over my site for work and gave my ball of IV at lunch time. I was nuts but I just had a divorce and was on my own with a mortgage, but it was winter so at the time all I had to do was work on sharpening and grinding all the mower blades for the country club. The machine did the work and I watched it!

I am always sitting with the girls, but OMG I cant right now, this rain has made a muddy OMGAWD nasty smelling run that I even added garden lime for the smell! So they wont get checked until they "unstink" its just my layer pen the others are not bad. Smell makes me gag! I am worried about cocci with this wet grossness too, I actually started adding amprolium to waterers just in case and I am not one to run to medicine without cause. But my gut told me to start so I did!
*Peeks in, waves hello.* No chickens or coop yet but I am planning. Plotting. Saving up for supplies.
Hello, welcome!! Just remember there's no going back once you're addicted!

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