Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

thanks everyone for all your ideas................I find it all very helpful and would be totally clueless without this feedback!

Here is my current plan ( subject to change as needed!)

Get all of them in a dog crate............with a smaller box inside to protect the 6wk old ones

Let out the big girls in the run and keep the 6 wks in the dog crate and IN the run.

Feed everyone the grower mix and put out the oyster shell for the big girls to take advantage of.........

At night.............I think initially I will keep them separate...........and try to make the dog crate more protected and with a roost..........

once they seem to be possible getting along in the run............I will let them decide where they want to go to roost..............

eventually------try to have them all in the coop.

Since this is likely to be a PROCESS........chances are I will be posting how things progress and of course some pictures too!

I hope ------bottom line---------NO CHICKENS see RED ( as in blood)

and everyone is safe and learns to like each other................NOW is that just too much to ask????
I recently picked up some new layers and one of them I thought was a Rhode Island Red. I noticed today that she has been in the nest box for hours. It concerned me a bit so I gave her a pretty thorough look over and didn't find anything wrong. I also realized that I have been getting 1 or 2 eggs a day less than normal. I could not bring myself to believe that a RIR would go broody. Well I learned something today. I think this bird is a New Hampshire Red and they are known to go broody! Who knew?!? I hope that is what is going on anyway. I guess we will see tonight and then again tomorrow morning, if she is still there. If she is, I may stick a couple eggs, other than the golf ball she is sitting on, under her. I don't really want chicks this late in the year but I have never hatched under a broody so I want to try it. Anyone have any input on New Hampshire Reds?
I recently picked up some new layers and one of them I thought was a Rhode Island Red. I noticed today that she has been in the nest box for hours. It concerned me a bit so I gave her a pretty thorough look over and didn't find anything wrong. I also realized that I have been getting 1 or 2 eggs a day less than normal. I could not bring myself to believe that a RIR would go broody. Well I learned something today. I think this bird is a New Hampshire Red and they are known to go broody! Who knew?!? I hope that is what is going on anyway. I guess we will see tonight and then again tomorrow morning, if she is still there. If she is, I may stick a couple eggs, other than the golf ball she is sitting on, under her. I don't really want chicks this late in the year but I have never hatched under a broody so I want to try it. Anyone have any input on New Hampshire Reds?
rhode island red will go broody . they also make excellent mothers. is it a production red a/k/a hatchery rhode island red

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