Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Nothing better than coming home from a hard day sitting in the grass and have three cute chicks crawl up on my lap. Just mad me peaceful and serene! :)

You made me chuckle 'cause you sound like me a few months back (mine aren't chicks any longer). Now I find that feeling just by hanging out with my ladies. I feel like I go into another world out there. :~)
Thanks for sharing!
My SIL just called me and a guy she knows has 15 silkies to get rid of. He said he just doesn't have room for them. They are 2 months old. I didn't ask any more questions because my brain started turning. Thinking......... where am I gonna put them for quarantine , what's DH gonna say? Is this going to happen anytime someone says "know anyone who wants some chickens"? lol
[COLOR=0000FF]We are taking the plunge and heading to New York for the show in Bath.  It's a combo show, 2 poultry clubs, 2 shows, one weekend.  Anyone else in? The entries need to be post marked by tomorrow.  I know this is last minute, but I had a hard time committing as we really don't have anything in 'show shape'.  We're going anyway, only showing 4 birds are looking forward to seeing new breeders and having the kids do showmanship.  Here's a little article on it:  [/COLOR] tIER pOULTRY cLUB 2013.PDF

[COLOR=0000FF]and a web site...[/COLOR]

Thanks for the info!! Good luck! (is that what you say in poultry showing?)....or is it lay an egg? : )
Well it would appear that egg production is in full swing for betty, got our 3rd egg just after lunch! Now to find a golf ball somewhere to put in the nesting box so she starts laying in it! :D
My SIL just called me and a guy she knows has 15 silkies to get rid of. He said he just doesn't have room for them. They are 2 months old. I didn't ask any more questions because my brain started turning. Thinking......... where am I gonna put them for quarantine , what's DH gonna say? Is this going to happen anytime someone says "know anyone who wants some chickens"? lol

Eventually, you'll get sick of spending so much money on feed, and it will be easier to say no. It can take years to get to that point, so...

go get those silkies, lol.
Oh crap...I am sitting here at work and all I can do is be relatively miserable. Who wants to go into business with me? I have YEARS of experience running businesses and marketing as well! Lets open one of those farms where the public comes and picks their own stuff. Or maybe lets put on some sort of fair featuring organic foods and homesteading stuff. We can get lots of vendors. I hate working for someone else. My boss is actually a really nice guy and it's a great environment but I just wish I was home, supporting my family from my land or at least getting paid to teach other people how to do it (even if I don't know everything yet). Is this too much to ask? Who's with me???

OK, sorry for the rant. Now back to your regularly scheduled programs.
Lisa, a beak is like a dog's fingernail. There is a quick in it you don't want to cut or it bleeds. You can use toenail clippers (human) or (most people) use dog/cat nail clippers. Pedi Paws works for gently sanding the beak down. Wrap the chicken in a towel. lay her on your lap (or a table) and clip a little at a time. Each session will make the quick recede more, and allow you to clip more next time. Corn starch is a good thing to have on hand if you cut too much.

BBG, "Quoth the raven" I like the name "Lenor". She will settle down soon enough. I didn't tell you. She is 16 weeks now. 18 on Sept. 9th. I think you said you switch them to layer feed at 18 weeks. And my opinion of the shoe is just put the Galaxy on the wedge.
Lisa, a beak is like a dog's fingernail. There is a quick in it you don't want to cut or it bleeds. You can use toenail clippers (human) or (most people) use dog/cat nail clippers. Pedi Paws works for gently sanding the beak down. Wrap the chicken in a towel. lay her on your lap (or a table) and clip a little at a time. Each session will make the quick recede more, and allow you to clip more next time. Corn starch is a good thing to have on hand if you cut too much.

BBG, "Quoth the raven" I like the name "Lenor". She will settle down soon enough. I didn't tell you. She is 16 weeks now. 18 on Sept. 9th. I think you said you switch them to layer feed at 18 weeks. And my opinion of the shoe is just put the Galaxy on the wedge.
I managed to pet her without her running for the hills right away today, lol. Poe is one of my favorite authors, although The Raven isn't my favorite of his works I like the name. Personally I prefer The Tell Tale Heart or The Black Cat type stories. Although Murder on Rue Morgue was interesting and reminded me of the Holmes stories with all the basic and almost obvious clues that usually don't make sense at first.
Since I don't need to worry about Seth seeing it I'll show ya'll the gown and color:

(These are a close up of the embroidery)

ETA: Technically it is a Bride's maid dress, but they don't really make bridal gowns in the color I wanted. It has just enough of a train for me too, I never wanted a long train. (The pics are from the site, I am not a twig more like a branch).
I was thinking of just putting ribbon that would match the gown on that area, but the galaxy idea sounds cool. Or maybe our zodiac symbols? Ugh, details drive my nuts!! I can handle major stuff without a problem, but I still have all the little stuff to figure out and work on.
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