Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

One of my 5.5 week EE chicks went missing today while I was volunteering at the hospital 7am-4pm. No idea where it could have went. I checked every possible spot. And this is literally the worst chick to get lost from the bunch- it makes no sound whatsoever.
Lisa, a beak is like a dog's fingernail. There is a quick in it you don't want to cut or it bleeds. You can use toenail clippers (human) or (most people) use dog/cat nail clippers. Pedi Paws works for gently sanding the beak down. Wrap the chicken in a towel. lay her on your lap (or a table) and clip a little at a time. Each session will make the quick recede more, and allow you to clip more next time. Corn starch is a good thing to have on hand if you cut too much.

BBG, "Quoth the raven" I like the name "Lenor". She will settle down soon enough. I didn't tell you. She is 16 weeks now. 18 on Sept. 9th. I think you said you switch them to layer feed at 18 weeks. And my opinion of the shoe is just put the Galaxy on the wedge.
okay so I understand a bit of this..................yet since the lower beak is going slightly to the left and the upper beak is straight or to the I shortening both or what is the desired end result of the trimming...............the two are still gonna be misaligned..........

or is it about the closing...................I have to look at my bird much more closely this weekend and post a picture for you all. I work so will need to wait for the weekend....................
I have been browsing the crossed beak thread.....................there are so many posts it will take forever to get the basic info!

I see
----use deeper food and water bowls
---wet food seems easier to eat because it sticks............for many birds

some people trim the beaks yet I cannot get reliable info on how to do this.

What I am thinking is that my Sylvia is very young , just 10 weeks, and I really didn't notice till recently so maybe it is more recently developing ( or I am clueless---but I just don't want to go there)

so...............I am looking for what I might be able to do, if anything to limit it from getting worse.........maybe even help a bit.

she does seem to eat and drink well and is growing nicely. She is not my smallest pullet..................she eats a lot.........................

anyone know of a good reference guide so I do not have to spend a week reading posts ?
As long as she is able to eat & drink as much as she wants/needs then it really isn't a concern. You just need to watch her to make sure she doesn't start loosing weight & stays healthy. If she starts to have problems then you need to take additional steps.

To those of you who ferment your feed- I have a couple of questions I can't seem to find online after researching.
1. I know many people put BOSS in their FF but would I be able to make FF using mostly pellets/ chick starter crumbles and then random grains/seeds as a little supplement, or can it only be done with grain?
2. How often do you feed your chickens FF? Does it replace their food, is it a daily supplement, or is it a weekly supplement?
3. Does it matter how long something ferments? Because ideally, I would like to add in food as I take some out instead of starting another batch all over again

Quote: 1. You can add any feeds or grains you wish. I have even added dog or cat food for extra protien at times like when they are molting. It all just kinda mooshes together in the mix.
2. I did an explanation a couple pages back on how I do my fermented feed portions.
3. You can begin feeding right away but it takes 24-48 hours to reach a full ferment when you first start a batch. I add feed daily as I take it out & it has over night to ferment before being fed the next morning & afternoon. You can keep the same batch going indefinitely as long as you keep it stirred at least twice per day & leave enough in the bucket to start the ferment each time you remove & add new feed. Mine has been going since January without completely stopping the process. I do ioccasionally add a little more UPACV, but only about once every month to 2 months & only because we tend to run our buckets pretty low sometimes & I;m afraid we haven't left enough to keep a strong ferment going.

Thanks SilkieSensation for that awesome breakdown. That was exactly the answer I was hoping to get. So from what I've observed I am giving them enough and sometimes a little extra. My 7 magpies always wait for everyone else to eat before they do and I always worried there would be nothing left. Apparently they are getting plenty since more often than not there is the powdery stuff left. Yesterday I had to buy a different feed to hold them over til I got to the mill and all the powder was gone. Thank god someone got hungry enough to eat it. I forgot I have 9 young guineas as well (6 of them are so loud all of the time, dinner someday if they don't shut up).

Thanks again for the great info!!

Quote: Pix would help a lot with the trimming question.
As long as she is able to eat & drink as much as she wants/needs then it really isn't a concern. You just need to watch her to make sure she doesn't start loosing weight & stays healthy. If she starts to have problems then you need to take additional steps.

1. You can add any feeds or grains you wish. I have even added dog or cat food for extra protien at times like when they are molting. It all just kinda mooshes together in the mix.
2. I did an explanation a couple pages back on how I do my fermented feed portions.
3. You can begin feeding right away but it takes 24-48 hours to reach a full ferment when you first start a batch. I add feed daily as I take it out & it has over night to ferment before being fed the next morning & afternoon. You can keep the same batch going indefinitely as long as you keep it stirred at least twice per day & leave enough in the bucket to start the ferment each time you remove & add new feed. Mine has been going since January without completely stopping the process. I do ioccasionally add a little more UPACV, but only about once every month to 2 months & only because we tend to run our buckets pretty low sometimes & I;m afraid we haven't left enough to keep a strong ferment going.

Pix would help a lot with the trimming question.
thank you very much for your posts............................very helpful.............and I will post pictures this weekend! She did accept cantaloupe tonite.............cut in about 1 cm or 2cm cubes. I know this is not high protein but it was a treat I was sharing that was different than their feed. thanks again
So tonight hubby and I drove 1 and a half one way to look at 3 pullets. They were supposed to be blue laced red wyandottes. Looked really off to me. They looked like golden laced with a grey tail. One looked like it was going to be a rooster, 3 months old and bright red wattles. Does anyone in the Pocono area have any blrws? Willing to drive 1 and half hour one way.
**** of my baby marans didn't make it back to roost this caught on a phone call and went to check later....walked my fenced yard and couldn't find her.....hope she found a good roost....hopefully the roos call in the morning will bring her back.....

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