Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

For anyone that doesn't follow my chickens Nicks Facebook page, I am missing an Australorp AGAIN!!! This time I feel pretty confident she is in the weeds somewhere sitting on eggs again. What are your thoughts on building a fence of some sort around her, where she sits that I can open in the morning and close at night to keep her at least somewhat protected? Moving her doesn't seem to be the right option since she didn't sit back on the eggs last time.
My almost 2 year old was playing nicely with her big sister and brother so I went to put clothes in the dryer. I was gone 2 minutes and she climbed onto the kitchen stool, onto the table, took the lid off the incubator and dumped a bag of potatoes inside!! Luckily she didn't get hurt and fall off the table and no eggs broke. She is such a handful! The older two were so mild compared to her. If this is only a preview to the terrible twos I might start drinking! Lol
My almost 2 year old was playing nicely with her big sister and brother so I went to put clothes in the dryer. I was gone 2 minutes and she climbed onto the kitchen stool, onto the table, took the lid off the incubator and dumped a bag of potatoes inside!! Luckily she didn't get hurt and fall off the table and no eggs broke. She is such a handful! The older two were so mild compared to her. If this is only a preview to the terrible twos I might start drinking! Lol

Children are like dangerous little ninjas! The "terrible twos" is a deceiving term. It may start around two and I'm not sure I have seen the end yet and mine are 7 and 5! I am glad to hear the eggs and child didn't get broken!
Children are like dangerous little ninjas! The "terrible twos" is a deceiving term. It may start around two and I'm not sure I have seen the end yet and mine are 7 and 5! I am glad to hear the eggs and child didn't get broken!

Yes they are like little ninjas!! I think we skipped the terrible 2's & 3's and saved it all for what I call that "f****d fours!!"
Rose, if you are gonna hatch any of those cochin from blarney, they would make great bartering tools (hint, hint ) deliver chicks and take full grown meat,,,now that's some fast growth

silkie, my kids are in their 20's and 30's, they prefer to sit back and laugh at me..and then they tell me I shouldn't do that cause I might break a hip.....I really do not know where they get their sarcasm from...

Blarney where are you?! I'll come get those cochin eggs from you! Pm me :)
I'm impressed, only 4 pages to catch up on lol. Then again it is during the week. Had the cake and meal tastings for the wedding today. Thankfully Seth was happy with everything, cause I honestly didn't have a backup plan for either...

I showed my other half your shoes and he loved them Total Star Wars Lover! He said I should make a pair and wear them for our wedding. (Had to remind him I am still waiting for that ring...hahaha) But i think the platform looks good black. You could always cover it with the same fabric. I wouldnt do any kind of color or that as I think it would take away from the fabric on the shoes. And lucky you!!! I love heels and I own some but I am 5'10" so when I wear them I feel like a Giraffe because most of my girlfriends are normal girl height at 5'5" or so ! And Zach says its werid because I can look him in the straight in the eyes. So I usually dont wear them.
The site I got them from had used flats. It's really easy if you're even a tiny bit "crafty." I did have the owner of the only "trendy" lingerie shop ask me to make her a pair of Star Trek ones today. (She carries vintage inspired and larger sizes than anywhere else around here, and has true corsets with heavy boning
) I told her about the site, but she wanted me to make them for her. Maybe I have found something to do to finally bring some extra money in...
Now I just need to find Eeyore fabric I like for my next pair.
ETA: here's the link for the site I got the instructions off of:
Hey Rosie, I am about an hour Southwest of you, I have BCMs, OE and Mille Fleur Cochn Project eggs, if you'd like to hatch them. PM me if you're interested.

I've got an earache and nasty cough. I am filled with negative thoughts....that I will spare all of you. The piggies must eat, so I'm off to the feed store to get them some grub. No rest for the weary today. : )
Woo hoo!!! My first 'smartphone' post with a quote... I may not have to throw it into Lake Erie after all!
I swear half those" smart phones are made to be a pain...Gavin can have every app up and running properly in 1/2 and hour, but it takes my mom 6+ months to figure out how to get new ringtones...
Here is lolly with our daughter she carries it around like a doll and the turkey loves it lol
Oh my, that is so darn cute!!
My almost 2 year old was playing nicely with her big sister and brother so I went to put clothes in the dryer. I was gone 2 minutes and she climbed onto the kitchen stool, onto the table, took the lid off the incubator and dumped a bag of potatoes inside!! Luckily she didn't get hurt and fall off the table and no eggs broke. She is such a handful! The older two were so mild compared to her. If this is only a preview to the terrible twos I might start drinking! Lol
I always said "God usually gives you a good one for the first child. That way you have the guts to have another..." So true of Gavin, I'm honestly terrified just how much of a handful the second one will be
(once we're ready to try).
Yes they are like little ninjas!! I think we skipped the terrible 2's & 3's and saved it all for what I call that "f****d fours!!"
I think Gavin skipped them and has hit the "s***y sevens." He was horrible for my parents tonight! I don't understand what is going on with him, but he's home instead of having a sleepover. So much for Seth and I having a night alone tonight...
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Anyone raise BBBs/BBWs, since we are talking turkey?

This is my first time with turkeys and I hatched a Bourbon Red and a Blue Slate for breeding. I also bought 12 BBBs for holiday nom-noms. Well, of the 12, I have 5 left. Of the 5, the 2 toms have severely twisted legs. Tonight I went out and put pipe insulation on their legs with vet wrap to help give them support so they can at least get around. I don't think it's helping. I was told the BBBs are notorious for having leg issues (like a Cornish x meat chicken). Anyone raise any that had leg issues and they survived until Thanksgiving? These guys aren't even 2 months old.

We raise them most years, but not his year. I can't say I've ever had leg problems with either the whites or bronze. Are they getting enough protein?

The biggest one I ever grew dressed out at 44 pounds. We had gotten that batch in May, and butchered all but the T-day bird in October. How big are the 2 month olds now? Big enough to make it worth processing them now? I would, rather than take the chance they'll die, and freeze them as cut up parts for regular non-holiday dinners.

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