Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Fisherlady, what your sister goes thru sounds very matter how many times it is removed, it will always grow back, they can not remove all the cells from inside the bone, those abnormal cells eventually form the tumor and eat right thru the packing material from the last surgery, then you start all over... I do have the scans done every 5 years, it has been 7 years since my last surgery and there's some swelling around the scar tissue lately,,,the biopsy was just to be on safe side since I would like to put the next surgery off for awhile..

would love to hear how your sister deals with the issues that come with these things.
Well, took a while to get through the 10 pages! 

We spent our day outside with the birds and working on firewood.  Cleaned out the coop, I didn't even have the sifted sand and new sand and stove ashes spread back out when the hens decided it looked like a good time for some spa therapy.  Ended up with a community dust bathing session going with the ashes and sand piles so we had to wait to finish the nest boxes and such.
Our little silkie broody (Gracie) had her 3 youngsters out and about with all of the others and the only conflicts that happened were with 2 other hens who are frequent brooders , Janeway made multiple attempts to 'chick nap' the little ones and we had a knock down, drag out, roll around on the floor type fight we broke up between them. A short time later Janeway was walking around in the coop, head down and wings slightly out making crooning and baby clucking noises... shortly after that she was cruising nest boxes and tonight when DH went out to close the pop door and do a final check he found her parked in a nest box with a bald chest and an attitude! Apparently she decided if she can't steal Gracie's babies then she will just hatch some of her own!?! Geesh!! :th

Will see if she is still on the nest in the morning and if so I will be (hopefully) getting her some eggs for another hatch.

Gotta love Broodies!!! :love

lol at the broodies. They're hilarious! My barnyard mix Chippy will go broody for like 12 hours and then decide she isn't. Probably once a week. And she doesn't have laying problems. She'll lay an egg and sit on it ALLLL day, taking chunks out of me when I try to take it then at night reports to the roost and never cares about it again.
I have one like that she is terrible at hatching but will protect all chicks , she doesn't care that she did not hatch them

Last summer Janeway hatched 6 of her own, then a week later adopted 4 that Gracie was 'done with' who were just over 4 weeks old. It is the only time Gracie left her chickens before 7 weeks and I think she knew it was warm enough they didn't need her at night anymore. Or it is possible that Janeway did steal them, since we weren't home the day it happened and we came back and found Janeway with 10 chicks in her nest and Gracie on the roost. (Janeway wins every time the two of them clash when we don't interfere)
Fisherlady, what your sister goes thru sounds very matter how many times it is removed, it will always grow back, they can not remove all the cells from inside the bone, those abnormal cells eventually form the tumor and eat right thru the packing material from the last surgery, then you start all over... I do have the scans done every 5 years, it has been 7 years since my last surgery and there's some swelling around the scar tissue lately,,,the biopsy was just to be on safe side since I would like to put the next surgery off for awhile..

would love to hear how your sister deals with the issues that come with these things.

She had to go on disability 13 yrs or so ago after she had part of her skull removed due to a tumor on the underside of it, she still gets symptomatic (Kind of like a minor stroke effect) when she gets tired or sick because of swelling that can happen. She has had tumors taken off of her jaw, multiple times from rib cage, had to have her femur rebuilt due to a tumor which had weakened it too much and same with one knee joint.

Pain meds, steroids, anti inflammatory meds and frequent rest cycles are primary management.
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She had to go on disability 13 yrs or so ago after she had part of her skull removed due to a tumor on the underside of it, she still gets symptomatic (Kind of like a minor stroke effect) when she gets tired or sick because of swelling that can happen. She has had tumors taken off of her jaw, multiple times from rib cage, had to have her femur rebuilt due to a tumor which had weakened it too much and same with one knee joint.

Pain meds, steroids, anti inflammatory meds and frequent rest cycles are primary management.
oh my sorry to hear she goes threw this, is truly amazing how & what people can "live" with..
Fisherlady, what your sister goes thru sounds very matter how many times it is removed, it will always grow back, they can not remove all the cells from inside the bone, those abnormal cells eventually form the tumor and eat right thru the packing material from the last surgery, then you start all over... I do have the scans done every 5 years, it has been 7 years since my last surgery and there's some swelling around the scar tissue lately,,,the biopsy was just to be on safe side since I would like to put the next surgery off for awhile..

would love to hear how your sister deals with the issues that come with these things.

Wing, its small potatoes...but us chicken folk....are here...some of us know how to pound a nail and raise a barn....we are closer than you think.....fingers crossed.....
LMP I heard BlueManGroup is looking for another blue ummm person
tongue.gif be funny girl...
....i still kinda like you though...
LMP,,, only thing I've found to remove Blu-kote is time... if anyone else knows of a cleaner for it I hope they chime in!
And our birds routinely will clean food off others beaks, and the hens frequently 'groom' the beards and such of other birds after feeding.. a few of our 'senior' hens also groom the rooster's neck and back area each evening on the roost. The roos don't seem to mind it, so must be a social thing for them.

What????? Hope all turns out OK. My sister has histiocytosis and another odd syndrome and gets bone tumors frequently, she gets bone scans until the growth gets bigger, then has either a biopsy or removal, depending on where it is and if the bone needs grafted for strength. Sucks to have to go through that.

I didn't know it had a name! We always called it 'pook, pooking' (pook is pronounced like book) because of the sounds our fellows make when doing it.
Kinda figured when no-one would is getting lighter
It is really something to watch them...they are a bit more complex then you first know..they are "just" chickens..

Glad to hear you were able to get a bunch done is a complete mess outside...water..small ponds..mud & I don't even what to think of it, all over & wet..

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