Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Sebastopol, I love him!

WHAT?? He doesn't sit on your lap in your office????

Love him too!!!

Thank you... she does what she can to stay involved and active, she volunteers for the Red Cross in her area when she can, helps folks do their taxes and takes care of her Grandson (more than she should)
 She didn't go on disability till she was forced to, she had worked at the post office and between surgeries she worked as much as she could, after the skull surgery though she couldn't work more than half a shift without starting to slur her words or losing coordination in her left side, so she had to quit.

Unbelievable. What a trooper.
Lol, what breed?

Sebastopol, I love him!    :love


WHAT??  He doesn't sit on your lap in your office????   :D

Love him too!!!  :love

I don't think he is into sitting on laps right now.  I think he might be getting interested in his lady friend if you know what I mean  ;)

Will you be hatching babies & selling any? The last sebbie I got turned out to be an embden cross....grrrrr
Wow the PA thread is quite active lately!  Over 900 posts!  Sorry, I didn't read them all.

I wanted to share that my NYD hatch went well enough.  I hatched 11 or so chicks, 2 died during the cold snap.  I have a batch in the hatcher now.  I think there is 12 out, 2 pipped and 1 zipping.  Two other eggs with no noticeable movement.  The first chick out took a 3 Sportsman Story fall to the hatcher - it's my very first F1 Choc Bantam Cochin chick!  Yes, it's a little chocolate girl!  This project has taken me so long to get going and I am so excited about my first chick!  I need to get some leg bands now....  Anyways...

If anyone is looking, I still have to part with me Toulouse pair.

I just got rid of all but my pair of buffs. Really want sebbies & more turkeys, so we cut everything out we weren't positive we wanted to keep. All I have left are the pair of buffs, trio of palms, trio of slates, 7 calls, 7 anconas, 19 lf layers, quad of banties & 5 polish. There are 6 chicks in the brooder & 3 batches in the bator due the next 3 week. 1st batch is in lockdown.
I just got rid of all but my pair of buffs. Really want sebbies & more turkeys, so we cut everything out we weren't positive we wanted to keep. All I have left are the pair of buffs, trio of palms, trio of slates, 7 calls, 7 anconas, 19 lf layers, quad of banties & 5 polish. There are 6 chicks in the brooder & 3 batches in the bator due the next 3 week. 1st batch is in lockdown.
"all you have left".....looks like quite a bunch to me, but I know you had a lot much to care for. Sorry..just being lazy this-morning.......Good morning- by the way

***Hope everyone is getting their dose of happy already today...i am on my 5th dose...not working so well for some reason.....easy like Sunday morning.....
the chickens really like the pallet I had to put out there yesterday,( enjoying their muck & mire play ground, gross), something to keep them out of the larger skank water holes
.....I happened to look out our back kitchen door..straight shot to see the coop/run, well..there was Chicka on top of the coop like a rooster...trying to find a way down...finally did, but not gracefully..and it scared the others..they came running out of the coop area...crazy birds...but entertaining.
Has any of you with interest in the sweetgrass contacted Arielle,,,wondering if she still has them,,,,,, I may move the plans up a little if she has calico...
Has any of you with interest in the sweetgrass contacted Arielle,,,wondering if she still has them,,,,,, I may move the plans up a little if she has calico...
no, I have not. But I am reading that thread...still at the beginning though...

Question fro any & all: with stationary just turns into a mess. What do you all do in the spring to kind of "clean it up" after the long winter?..

I was think of raking all the debris is droppings/dead yard stuff mostly...then filling in any low-lying areas to help prevent what I am dealing with now. Going to fill with brick/cement pieces, then cover with soil.
I had an idea to help make "grass" areas in the run..put a pallet or two down in the run to keep the chickens out/off of the area and let the grass you think this would work, could also make a "box" and cover it with 'chicken' wire so when the grass grows, they can only eat it to a certain point.
Anyway..have a lot of ideas to improve the situations, would like some ideas for de-funking the area...thank you -Danielle

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