Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

I have been searching for hedemora stock, could you tell me a little about yours

My friend has been working with them for a few years and I think they are green fire line. Some are silky and some are smooth. Several colors. Put hedemora hatching eggs on the search and it should come up. Mothernaturesdaughter.
cute chooks....remember build a coop twice as big as you think you'll need!
Coops already built, I can't make it any bigger.... :(
MCC the closer to Philly you get, the prices go up....welcome to my world...:)
Agreed! Country isolation has it's benefits!
now Stake I strongly disagree, I tell people to build the coop as big as the yard and wallet can handle,,,,,,they can always use the extra space for things like rabbit or goat,,,,,:old
I like that advice. Love that little stick poking dude! Where did you find him?
You finally got that toast plant to bloom?
:lau. :pop
need a favor from those up north,,,,,,,,got a chance for some hedemora chicks instead of eggs,,,,if anyone can transport I would pay a fee or even buy you a few of the chicks (they are a rare breed)..........montoursville area to lancaster county or I would go as far north as the harrisburg area.

doesn't everyone want a few of these

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Okay-----I am now armed and dangerous to the big nasty R!

I have wire trap

big honking wooden mouse trap sized for big honking R's

smaller mousetraps......

and I going to the store for the electric R zapper!

I also cleaned out the storage cabinet I have that holds birdseed and chicken feed and found one big container of thistle with its lid removed..................hmmmm wonder who or how many of them did that?

I gathered together all metal conatiners I could find readily and will keep my eye out for more!

Now if that mean ole R would just STAY AWAY FROM THIS HOUSE and THESE CHICKENS.................. he can live in peace..................BUT SO HELP ME IF HE COMES THIS WAY.................


( I just cannot fathom the type of injuries to the chickens that were previously described so I just gotta get rid of these guys)

I just hope if I take away their found food source-----if it was the thistle-----I hope they don't come to get the chickens instead?

well-----nature has its ways.................

off to the store to complete my set of tools!


( wonder if they can read? )

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