Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

will be around all this weekend for anyone waiting to pick up birds,,,,or even those that didn't yet know they wanted them,,,still have extra's available,,,,but be forwarned, if I get my act together I may be processing in the afternoon...

still available are the serama, a few are just starting to lay, found a farty egg a couple days ago from one of them.

an extra cochin bantam rooster and 1 extra hen that can go with him,

I would ask that if you plan to walk around please do not wear your chicken tendin boots or sneakers,,,...
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does anyone know anything about replacing pool liners? our pool is really old but its a good one, I want to replace the liner but not sure which kind I need to buy! I dont see any overhang on the outside of the metal surround, there is a trim like thing at the top on the inside, but the liner still heads up, trouble is we have a walkaround and I cant see under it to figure out what I need to get! I left the image large so maybe you could see that thin white strip, its like a channel but not like the ones on the pool sales page?????


I have more than one compost pile....I do every other bedding change....and I do not use a lot...I have not finished the first package that I bought a year ago at Pickering....I am researching moving totally to Ivermectin(sp) it does everything in one dose.....and though I know its probably not preferred, I think sevrin (sp) is a standard vegetable garden pesticide....(haven't used it myself in the garden).....

I ended up following the plan as described.

I read long ago that plucking chickens off the roos at night would be the easiest way to do it. Well nobody told MY girls this. They squaked and scratched and screamed and gave all manner of complaints till I could get them turned upside down.

Per additional internet research, the DO and I stuffed an equal mix by volume of DE and Sevin in a "powder puff" made from the end of a sheer stocking. Then we puffed the girls thoroughly with the mix. While we had them in hand, we inspected for mites, and found then on two of our hens; one of the red sex-links, and our sole remaining langshan, Oreo.

Yesterday, I pulled the shavings out of the coop, vacuumed it thoroughly, sealed the windows, and set off a permethrin based fogger inside the coop.We then vented the coop for an additional two hours, before putting new shavings back into the coop, and letting the girls back in. They were still alive this morning, so I'm assuming all was well with the venting.

As a bonus, the micro-stinkies who were previously reluctant to leave the coop, hopped out without hesitation this morning. I suppose that they must have decided that the world outside the coop wasn't a terrifying place when we kicked them out yesterday to fumigate. :)
,Sally, I suggest you put your birthday suit to use tonight and go out there and climb in, after going all around the inside, inch by inch, let us know what you find...

here I will do it for ya...
will be around all this weekend for anyone waiting to pick up birds,,,,or even those that didn't yet know they wanted them,,,still have extra's available,,,,but be forwarned, if I get my act together I may be processing in the afternoon...

still available are the serama, a few are just starting to lay, found a farty egg a couple days ago from one of them.

an extra cochin bantam rooster and 1 extra hen that can go with him,

I would ask that if you plan to walk around please do not wear your chicken tendin boots or sneakers,,,...

Want some roosters, no questions asked? I have at least a dozen that have to go!

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