Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Do you really raise Shamo?! I didn't realize that anyone on here would be interested in them. I have one black hen that I'm using in breeding to my Cubalaya to help get a larger sized Cubalaya.
They look like wheaten Shamos.

Just starting with the KO Shamos. Have been showing the O Shamos for a year or so. I need more size too in my LF Shamo, LOL. Bottom picture O Shamos chicks, mothers are wheaten, the father is a "creole" color. Parents are not my birds.
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Just starting with the KO Shamos. Have been showing the O Shamos for a year or so. I need more size too in my LF Shamo, LOL. Bottom picture O Shamos chicks, mothers are wheaten, the father is a "creole" color. Parents are not my birds.
Did you get the eggs from Jim Zook?
I'd really appreciate a few prayers for my chicky baby. The one with the yolkish thing. i thought things were looking up, but when I gor home tonight it was obvious that things had taken a nosedive. It's a long story, but he's just not doing good at all. Please pray for the little guy.
Back to bees:

So M I reading correctly ( been researching) that I need to pay a registration to keep a few hives primarily for pollination in this state?

Is the registration and inspection a pain or just another law with little consequence?

Is there anything this state doesn't regulate? (I'm in one of those moods)
Back to bees:

So M I reading correctly ( been researching) that I need to pay a registration to keep a few hives primarily for pollination in this state?

Is the registration and inspection a pain or just another law with little consequence?

Is there anything this state doesn't regulate? (I'm in one of those moods)
Nope, there is nothing. I was told that I needed a license to have a yard sale. I was also forbidden by the police to "walk anywhere there is not a sidewalk". Please understand, I am not in the city. We do have a few hundred yards of sidewalk in town (about three miles from me) but that is it. Kids walk to the bus stop on Rt 53 every morning. You can't even get to your mailbox without "walking where there is no sidewalk" Still trying to figure that all out.
BTW, do you have BO? Not to be confused with bo. I don't want to know about that!
Nope, there is nothing. I was told that I needed a license to have a yard sale. I was also forbidden by the police to "walk anywhere there is not a sidewalk". Please understand, I am not in the city. We do have a few hundred yards of sidewalk in town (about three miles from me) but that is it. Kids walk to the bus stop on Rt 53 every morning. You can't even get to your mailbox without "walking where there is no sidewalk" Still trying to figure that all out. 
BTW, do you have BO? Not to be confused with bo. I don't want to know about that! :lau

No buff. I have blue, black hens and a lemon cuckoo roster. Working toward partridge. I hope. I've been selling off the ones that are mixed yellow and blue, which are most. I haven't started to hatch them this year yet. So far I'm concentrating on my Swedish Flower Hens. I can throw some in the incubator anytime if someone wants some.
Or give me a couple days notice when someone is headed this way and I can get a dozen eggs saved if you want colored orps.
I'd really appreciate a few prayers for my chicky baby. The one with the yolkish thing. i thought things were looking up, but when I gor home tonight it was obvious that things had taken a nosedive. It's a long story, but he's just not doing good at all. Please pray for the little guy.

awwww, poor little thing. Prayer up.

Thank you. He passed away sometime during the night.

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