Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

I think this one could be the roo??? I'm no expert add these are my first chickens.
Have someone hold the two side by side so you can compare the feathers near the base of the neck and the lower spine near the tail (hackles and saddle) A cockerel will have much more pointed feathers in these two areas, they will probably appear narrower and longer also... pullets feathers in these areas are usually well rounded at the end or blunt looking and are shorter than the rooster.
94 post to catch up, that's what I get for sleeping in..
By the way, Good Morning..( what can I say I worked till 5am)
Yes, LMP. Those are from Stake. He will have more. You just have to go get them. Don't bring a motorcycle trailer. He and everyone else along the way will try to fill it for you! Not to mention it costs a lot to haul a trailer. $200 in gas!!
good grief!..they were some expensive crates!! Ummm, I need to find out where Stake is located..that is, if he want sme to know
I think my favorites might just be my two champagne d'agent., although my silver fox/new Zealand cross are nice, too.

Did I mention they have sharp toenails? I don't handle them a lot, so they are skittish. And my one male likes to nibble (bite) to ask for treats (and a female). They have sharp teeth, lol.

It's all good.
OMGosh!! please get some biotic ointment on that!!! MAkes me hurt just looking at it...they are cute, but yes, they are nasty too! I have handled MANY wild ones..with gloves! Thier nails are like razors
They are Black Australorps. They are supposed to be an all black bird with greenish-purple sheen to the feathers. I didn't see any white tips in the pictures I seen. Supposed to be a very good layer and holds a record. 'Some sensational results were made in the Australian program, and one hen set a laying record of 364 eggs in 365 days.' Quoted from the Murray McMurray site. That sounds good to me lol. Hubby wanted me to pick some up when I got the silkies last week but they didn't have them in that week. I seen them and they were half off so I came home with 15. I know some will be roos and hoping to have some females in there.
see, told ya didn't know what I was looking at...they are cute, but then..what chicks aren't right?! that's why everyone is finding it hard to get out of TSC without getting these dang things!!!! Ya all have to remember...they get bigger and need a lot more food!!! hahahahaha
I got the last 7 silkies in the bin that day. 2 were older and bigger and the rest were all the same size. I been watching for signs of roos, anyone growing faster, standing up more. Don't see anything like that yet. They are all growing the same rate. Silkies take forever to figure out what sex they are. My silkie rooster doesn't like any other male chickens so I guess I will find out when they are old enough to go over. I am hoping for a hen
th.gif they hold a gun to your head or something..geesh...

Oh yes I know. it was horrible. When I arrived to pick them up the woman at the post office told me she scanned the box and it had prolific damage. she said over half my order atleast was dead, and if I called anyone she would tell them about the damage herself.I didnt even want to open the box because there was even blood on the outside of the box. But i knew I had to to rescue my little ones that were traumatized by the event. What made me irate was the fact that it was Unmistakable that there was live creatures in the box. between the constant chirping and air holes and straw sticking out of the sides of the box, you can't tell me he "didn't know" OH and the big sign on the front of the box stamped in big red letters letting people know it held Live Poultry. I did make some phone calls. And I did get my money back for my chicks though i didnt want to risk it again. im sure people can order chicks and it be 100% fine, its normal for 1 or 2 to die during shipment from other causes. it was just not an event i want to re-live.
that is sorry anyone had to go through that...someone should be held accountable for sad.
A good reason why I spend most of my time at the farm and not at home, which is in town...

If you have neighbors in close proximity please be considerate with things like wind chimes that make constant noise, not everyone likes the noise....

I know some will say they have the right to do what they want on their own property, which is why I believe high fences make for better neighbors...
AHH, can I give an AMEN!!! BIG HIGH fences with barbed, I am just kidding..well, the last ones we had , yep..could have used the wire..but these aren't too bad, now that the kids are out. Hope you were able to get some sleep Wing.
And not everyone works daylight hours and gets awake early in the morning. There are those who sleep during the day. Seems most everything is based on those who work 9-5.
And my favorite comment "you work nights, you have all that time during the day, can you help me xyz". Guess what, all the stuff you do after work, I have to do before work, and still function at work, not sit down and relax afterward.

Just a vent. Thanks. Now back to animals
hey, you & anyone here..vent all you want. My father has worked more night shifts then day..and the peolpe that have been "neighbors" have been mostly alright, some had to put into place as to the reality of others living in close proximity to them & that not all people enjoy Megadeath at yeah, know exactly where you all are coming from....
She's not quite full grown, but I LOVE my BA, Mary Poopins. She is a big girl ( I think she may be a week older than the rest). Here is a pic from a few weeks ago, she is quite a fatty now.

That makes me feel better, my BA is always a chatty girl too.
Agreed! They should be held responsible for damage that is their fault, any other business is.
Yep yep.
Mary POOPINS!!! OMGosh! Love it!
Oh my thats so sad! I am constantly keeping an eye on my cat with ours. he isnt aloud in the room where the babies are, but he's snuck in a time or two whenever someone would go inside to see the chicks. Luckily Ive caught him everytime. he does great with my rabbits. but not chancing it with chicks lol. but yep its [email protected]



I managed to get the pictures up lol. The email wouldn't send. Top one is Cloud and the bottom one is Cotton
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Sally is pretty much our local guru on anything's another incubation link think your temps are general understanding for chooks and humidity is 25-50% for the first 18 days then 50-75% til two cents....
Hey keep given them there pennies away..what'll have left?!
I just reminded hubby that we are headed to the dragon and I have a large rabbit cage that is currently empty,,,,,,,,sometimes a look says it all
Have fun!!!
Wish I could be there too..have yet to experience their auctons...
I need help!!!! I have 2 rir same age from the same place. I got them as chicks from Pickering Valley I think one is a roo????
Of course I'm no expert add these are my first chicks

I know nothing about RR, but one does seem to have a bigger comb & the feathers are longer-pointier....
I do really like that mahogany..hmmmmmm, what color do they lay..white-brown eggs?
Lol the same 7 I got last week. NO more new silkies. Besides silkies don't eat that much lol. I am going back tonight to get some meaties. Half off. $1 cornish x is a good deal., My freezer is getting empty. lol Hopefully by the time I get up there they will still have some meaties left.
I planted some blueberry plants I picked up at KMART

The directions gave info about the size of the hole to dig etc but then it said to cut the plant down so just 2-3 inches is showing.................These directions were on one part of the the box and on the inner wrapping there were also directions that did not say this..........

I am thinking its kinda harsh to prune them that harshly while planting...................what do you all think?

its a 2 yr old plant it says...............

I also planted my first ever potato tower with the straw and the wire frame................we will see if either of these projects will work.
All you northern looking for a picnic spot....would the reed's gap state park area be doable....
It is just a small cabin 7 miles outside of the park with an outhouse but no neighbors and 5 acres..
Just a thought
I'm interested!
I live to the northern end of Lancaster County.
I don't think so..I haven't seen it. Just beef, pork...yeah, i think that's it. We were going to try to get there tomorrow(Saturday)...I had rabbit before..tastes like chicken..
...seriously, it was good.
Thank you!!
..will be adding it!

**GRChicks- Those are some cuties there!! I love the some point, I may have to invest in a little eye-candy...

Thanks they are sweet little chicks.

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