Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Patrick, yea I know you guys are having a mini meet but see I was thinking if we did this you would draw people looking to buy chickens!! And maybe we would be able to unload the unwanted stuff. Plus if we require testing then it would insure that the stuff is healthy and we aren't spreading diseases. Just thought it would be really neat plus I went to the one in Maryland yes I drove over 21/2 hours to get there and I wanna go back so I was hoping to have something like that here!! Anybody know any info about testing birds?? Never have had to do it so don't know the procedure or anything!
Of course I could draw people! I need to sharpen my pencil, I was really good at profiles in pencil once. I'm not sure what drawing them has to do with chickens , but okay.
So anyway. Where do you live? There are a ton of places we can have a swap. The testing is a great idea! My only concern is if its a ton of $ per bird to test no one is going to do it. You can give the extension office a call and ask them. And if we start off with just folks from here that we talk to every day, shoot I chat with you folks more than I do my own mother lol! Than there may be less of a chance of having issues. what we are doing Sat is just passing each other birds that we have been talking about and watching grow. And I feel more comfortable with this than having a ton of people that we don't talk to regularly or really are not on here and random folks with chickens running around and than we would have less of a chance for issue for now. Shoot lol, I called Sally on the phone yesterday to ask her about the eggs that she candled and saw eyes lol. This is a good close bunch.
I was going to make oatmeal this morning, I buy huge 5lb & 10lb bags of it at Dutch Way.... I do it about 2/3 x week but its finally dry out there in the run so I spread out some crack. I dont throw any when its wet it can get mushy and mice and rats love that... I also threw in watermel rind from my mom, she is always bringin stuff, last night she brought them corn on the cob and blueberries (psss Mom and Dad have a habit of making fun of my chicken addiction) Go figure!!! LMAO!! gotta love thy parents!! We also have a meal worm farm going, b
HEY! If your buying oatmeal in bulk you should hit Dutch Valley! I know, right across the yard. You can buy serious bulk for a not so serious price. Just an idea.

Oh and thanks! I try not to be like anyone else and yeah I guess almost the whole time you were at my house I was holding a chicken or a duck
. I went to Heather's house and I was loving up on hers every turn I made. lol Banty or LF americana it didn't matter I was gonna hold em lol. Heck I even grabbed her tom turkey and held him for a lil lol.
Hmmm....Has anyone thrown a lil "sauce" in the chickens water in the winter to act as antifreeze? Can chickens have small doses of alcohol? Do drunk chickens lay eggs? If a chicken crosses the road than would she be eligible for citation for public intoxication? LMAO I could see the local police chief coming to the house, "Chad your chickens are drunk and messing with traffic!"
These are the pics I got when I told the kids to go outside and take pics of each other!!! last is my fav and is the ONLY one with a child in it!!!
Here we got Mr. Melvin Roo SLWyandotte (was supposed to be a girl) and ducky (she is running for president see below)

Below is Half of Romeo and Juliet White Silks

Below is "Harley"

Below is Sketch for obvious reasons

below is Not a chicken, just wanted to see who pays attention lol

below is Fluffy girl (she is the one I had to do bumblefoot surgery on a few weeks ago)

below is Black Betty and she was one that wasnt wanted as she had a black comb and not show quality poor girl

below is Pepper, Raven and Salt

below Ducky Girl is running for pres, so if you got time go to the site and leave a comment!

2012 Martoks Campaign Contest Contest @ Hobby

Barnyard Candidate:
Ducky Girl
Candidate Species:
Light Brahma Hen
Campaign Speech:
Bigger cages! Longer chains! Full dinner pails! Serve thy Master! Life Liberty and BELIEVE IN AMERICA!!

BELOW is my Fav with a kid partially in it!! a FLUFFY BUTT!!!

These are just a few of our family friendly flock!!

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